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  1. Mrs.Bush

    help with seedlings! distilled water, pH5.8, 80F burnt leaf tips, WTF

    I have the same light, your babys are to small to have the light at a few inches above. Try 12 to 16 inches above untill they get a few more sets of leaves then your good to move it back down to a couple inches. Small fan under it works well my 8 tuber puts out a little heat.
  2. Mrs.Bush

    signing on a caregiver

    Could u please tell me the what i need to do, i have my card and am growing 12 plants. I live with my girlfriend and were getting married soon she is going to get her card tommorow should i be her care giver or should she be her own like i am? We want 24 plants that we both can tend to when i go...
  3. Mrs.Bush

    Question on harvesting?

    Should i harvest comeing off the light cycle or the dark cycle? Any ideas???
  4. Mrs.Bush

    where to buy a magnifying glass???

    thanks im on my way radio shack...
  5. Mrs.Bush

    where to buy a magnifying glass???

    thanks im on my way..
  6. Mrs.Bush

    where to buy a magnifying glass???

    Thanks great pic, im on my to radio shack...
  7. Mrs.Bush

    where to buy a magnifying glass???

    Im 43 days flowering and need to buy a magnifying glass, any ideas on what power and where i can pick one up???
  8. Mrs.Bush

    What is this!!??

    thanks alot man....i chopped it...too risky... thanks again!
  9. Mrs.Bush

    What is this!!??

    Ok, now that I know....I have 7 other plants which have no signs of any bananas & are the same days in flowering. What would you do? should i harvest now at 34 days? or leave and let go? if i harvest now, will it be any good?
  10. Mrs.Bush

    What is this!!??

    click on the paperclip in the toolbar above where you type your message. then browse to your pics on your computer and upload.
  11. Mrs.Bush

    What is this!!??

    One plant with a banana...a different plant with the seed-thing. what would you do?
  12. Mrs.Bush

    What is this!!??

    34 days into flowering and have 8 other plants that are 34 days in too. this one bud is the only one out of them all that has this banana looking thing. should i pick it off the bud? should I cut the bud totally off?? or should I remove the entire plant from the grow room. I DO NOT WANT SEEDS!!!
  13. Mrs.Bush

    Is this bud growing a seed?

    Look at the pic and tell me if this looks normal for a female plant. Eliminated all the males I thought...did I miss one??? Is this a seed?
  14. Mrs.Bush

    What is this!!??

    Look close at the very center tip of this bud - you will see something that looks yellowish that has 3 yellow pod-like structures. None of my others have this - wtf is it? tell me your thoughts!
  15. Mrs.Bush

    Is this normal???

    thanks man....I'm learnin as I go!
  16. Mrs.Bush

    Is this normal???

    I'm 26 days into flowering. The white pistols are starting to die off....shriveling and turning brownish-orangish....they look this supposed to happen???
  17. Mrs.Bush

    Trimming fan leaves during flowering??

    I'm 22 days into flowering. I have a ton of leaves that are hindering the light from reaching the lower flowers. Can I cut off these leaves??? If so, what is the effect on the plant??