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  1. S

    SMALL grow tent BIG light.

    i agree with this guy. Im trying to run a 400watt hps in cooltube in a cabinet in a a room that averages 79*... it just isnt going to happen. here i come portable ac unit! woo
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    leaf curl from heat OR...? help![PICS]

    i just dont know what else to do to the cabinet; i the cooltube is nice and cool, i can put my hand on the glass while the bulb is on. I the ambient air temperature is just too high when the light is on.. for some reason. I dont have any oscillating fans in the cab...maybe not enough air...
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    FAUX wardrobe- first time stealth with 400watt hps

    i made a help post in the plant problems section regarding the curling of leaves possibly from lack of humidity or too much heat?: may 13 - finally have the cabinet back up and running in the new...
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    leaf curl from heat OR...? help![PICS]

    I have about 6 square feet of growing space in a cabinet and a 400 watt cooltubed HPS beaming on 2 something week olds. i had them in humidity domes and this was not a problem with 90-100% humidity; but now that theyre too big for the dome, some of the leaves are curling so that the...
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    Yellowing leaves on young plants

    I too would like to know the answer to that colour leaf.:shock:
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    FAUX wardrobe- first time stealth with 400watt hps

    april 26 - im not quite sure what to do today, obviously, the plants have stretched to find more light, so i took them from my sprouting chamber and put into my main chamber under the 400w hps. Hopefully the plants will like it better than the 6 cfls. 2 of the plants have stretched to the...
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    FAUX wardrobe- first time stealth with 400watt hps

    april 22 - germinated 8 atomic haze seeds and have put them under the cfls as well. Hoping out of 8 random seeds and 8 atomic haze ill get maybe 3 and 3 females? this is my game plan anyways. I hope i wont have too many females to accomodate...i only have room for maybe 7 plants on the...
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    CO2 starvation?

    brief tangent if i may, i added a few lbs of wormcastings to my promix mixture, it's a high ratio mixture of thoroughly mixed wormcastings now, will the plants growing in worm castings need much added N? or...will the castings take care of most nitrogen needs?:peace:
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    FAUX wardrobe- first time stealth with 400watt hps

    i need to buy some bigger pots, i was thinking about throwing them from these into something around the size of 3-4 gallon pots. Let them do their growing business for the rest of their life type of deal.. how soon do you think it will take for them to outgrow these pots?
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    FAUX wardrobe- first time stealth with 400watt hps

    april 18 - put jiffy pots into biodegradable pots and 2 have sprouted! But none of the other biodegradable pots have yielded any sprouts yet... - im cup style germinating some atomic haze right now.
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    FAUX wardrobe- first time stealth with 400watt hps

    thanks so much madhadda! the only problem is our bane. i woke up fairly ripped and sewed 2 seeds from the 8 somewhere in the others' 8 save the 2 early sprouters which were in jiffys. new update, i dont like jiffy pots. maybe i will ...grow... to like them.. i suppose if both...
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    Slightly worried/stumped? (Pics Included)

    N deficient is nitrogen, as in the element, first number of NPK/ nitrogen phosphorus and potassium ie 15 30 15
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    I am having trouble designing my 400w cab

    finished development and now into growing!
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    FAUX wardrobe- first time stealth with 400watt hps

    april 15 - i purchased 10 seeds from a local seed bank and am currently plate on plate germinating them. april 17 - 2 have 5mm long taproots and am putting them in jiffy things in a domed bin under my cfls in the seedling chamber. 18/6
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    FAUX wardrobe- first time stealth with 400watt hps

    Yarr. This be my first grow. :wall::?: which means please comment I need all the halp i can get:weed: I have built, from a home depot style 72 tall by 48 wide wardrobe, a stealth cabinet with faux front doors and a velcro/latch style hidden rear entrance. i am planning to grow 4-6x 3 foot...
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    I am having trouble designing my 400w cab

    you got it mister! any suggestions for beginners' seeds? pulleys!
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    I am having trouble designing my 400w cab

    i got around to doing some work on teh cabinet over the weekend folks! here are the updates: ive put in the lower shelf, took back my batwing and bought a 24" cooltube with reflector - white space blanket for mid wrap around bought sump pump for automated water overflow ejection, it...
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    I am having trouble designing my 400w cab

    thanks for the AWESOME replies peeps! @boneman - thanks:D @covertgrow - yeah i think im going to follow in bizzler's steps @bizzler - yeah, i think i will grab a factory built cooltube square reflector like yours, and take my batwing back, just no way it will work with the depth i am...
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    I am having trouble designing my 400w cab

    Hey all! im new around these parts, but ive been power reading every bit of information I can soak up, and now it's my turn to try. Im going to try my hand at at growing very plainly, with soil, in a home depot/ikea style DIY wardrobe. So far i have a bunch of items purchased for the...