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  1. H

    White Berry First Grow

    if u havent noticed, this IS his thread. if majority of the hairs on your plant are about 95% brown, i would harvest them..but thas jus me. ALOJAH.
  2. H

    Major help needed asap

    yes they were dying when i got them and they were being grown hydroponically. I repotted all 4 of em. 2 have begun to flower although the lower leaves are turning yellow and have been dying slowly. here are some pics of the 2 that are flowering...
  3. H

    Major help needed asap

    TO ALL EXPERIENCED GROWERS I need your help. I have adopted 4 plants within the past 5 weeks n they are DYING. 2 are in the process of flowering, 1 is just dying, and the other one is a mother plant that is dying also. I've read up on everything on this site that I can do to help my adopted...