Major help needed asap


Active Member
I need your help. I have adopted 4 plants within the past 5 weeks n they are DYING. 2 are in the process of flowering, 1 is just dying, and the other one is a mother plant that is dying also.

I've read up on everything on this site that I can do to help my adopted plants, please give advice, anything would be helpful. i really dont want to see these plants go to waste :neutral:

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
I need your help. I have adopted 4 plants within the past 5 weeks n they are DYING. 2 are in the process of flowering, 1 is just dying, and the other one is a mother plant that is dying also.

I've read up on everything on this site that I can do to help my adopted plants, please give advice, anything would be helpful. i really dont want to see these plants go to waste :neutral:
Wow, you're asking how do I save my dieing relative.:?: I would transplant using B1 into larger pots. I would put them under 18/6 until they show signs of new growth. Then put the back under 12 X 12, I hope this works for you...:joint:


Active Member
yes they were dying when i got them and they were being grown hydroponically. I repotted all 4 of em. 2 have begun to flower although the lower leaves are turning yellow and have been dying slowly. here are some pics of the 2 that are flowering:

-currently using 1/4 strength miracle grow because I cant afford(rent/bills) to get anythin else unless free
-currently using 1 15wtt GE aquarium/plant flourescent light (i know its a shitty light n i need something better)
-currently growing in my bathroom to keep the humidity up
-1 fan that blows every 20 min for 5 min

The buds are starting to form on the 2 flowering plants and they're starting to have a smell =) BUT that doesnt mean my plants are going to survive and
i'd feel bad if the plants didnt make it, even the other 2. I'm hoping the mother plant will revive itself so I can take some clones. ANYWAY please give your insight and your thoughts. I really appreciate it guyz. One Love-JAH Bless