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  1. X

    First Grow Help

    another update: yeah they're lookin good...i hope for the best....since its my first grow theyre lookin good....once it starts budding should i switch to like 15-30-15 ferts? and also when i harvest the plants and start to dry i think im gonna use a tent, since i cant dry indoors. thanks
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    First Grow Help

    theyre destroyed again.....and i dont think its animals this time.....cause its like fresh straight bite marks or anything.....idk im gonna look for another area to plant in....cause i got more seeds.
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    First Grow Help

    okay a got more seeds im gonna start germinating them soon in wet paper towel. Is it too late to plant em outdoors? i also took a pics yesterday. thanks
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    First Grow Help

    update: i fertilized this one and it grew fast.....and my friend got some seeds....gonna try to grow a few more since deer attacked this grow. and i took a pic today:
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    First Grow Help

    i tried finding chicken wire.....but i found this blastic fence.....i think it'll 7' ones.....and some wooden question is how should i make like a way to get in without like cutting the fence.....i put like twisty ties connecting 2 ends.....but it still sux getting...
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    First Grow Help

    okay....some more bad news......more deer or some animal got to the last of the big i bought some irish spring bar soap and put shavings of a whole bar of it around my plants.....and i plan on trying to get some animal piss (what place would sell this, a hunting store?)....and...
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    First Grow Help

    okay thanks....but where can i buy chicken wire, like a hardware or plant store? like home depot or walmart? thanks
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    First Grow Help

    okay so a friend of mine is growing a couple of plants indoors, popular named strains.....he knows a decent amount about growing.....he said hell sell me clones and root them for me......but what i want to know, is it bad or harder to grow outside, since they were from indoors.....i dont know...
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    First Grow Help

    okay it might be a few animals or bugs.....could be deer, grasshoppers, crickets, or moths.....anyone have any help? cause a few times when i went to the plants i saw a lot of moths on a few of my plants and they were flying around my plants. i hear i could sprinkle some garlic powder or...
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    First Grow Help

    :mad::mad::mad: i have really bad news im so fuckin pissed.....something chewed off like most of the leaves on a few of my biggest guess it was prob a deer or some animal, ive seen deer in the woods nearby before..... what can i do to keep deer and animals away from...
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    First Grow Help

    actually idk its prob jus new leaf growth.....
  12. X

    First Grow Help

    check out these 2 pics are they showing signs of female plants....idk and
  13. X

    First Grow Help

    okay i used the fertilizer came with a Table spoon.....i tried measuring out a 1/4, but it was kinda hard.....but i think i did a good job.....i watered all my plants with it.....and is it normal for the 1st set of leaves on the bottom to like die....i heard somewhere that they...
  14. X

    First Grow Help

    alright im gonna start some fertilizing tomorrow.....i got some 24-8-16 MG ferts. My question is should i only fert the bigger plants.....or can i start the all of em even tho some are kinda small.....they're all the same age, some of em are just growing slower. thanks
  15. X

    First Grow Help

    i've seen pics of how to gonna try it once my plants are big enough.....i think until i get like 4-5 sets of leaves....idk......anyone know the rule of thumb of when to start topping? thanks
  16. X

    First Grow Help

    im kinda confused about topping and fimming......i think i might of figured it out, but idk..... topping you cut the at the intersection of 2 branches at like the Y, and fimming you jus cut some off a new i correct?
  17. X

    First Grow Help

    update: took 3 pics....i jus want to know if my babies are ready to do some Topping, Fimming, or LSTing......and can someone explain whats the difference between Topping and Fimming, i tryed searching, but i no threads i found gave a good explanation. thanks Pic 1 of the Whole garden. Pic 2...
  18. X

    First Grow Help

    i checked on em and theyre doing just fine.
  19. X

    First Grow Help a little worried for my babies cause its raining outside....been raining for a while.....hopefully they don't drown....ill check em out tomorrow if i can....
  20. X

    First Grow Help

    yeah ill wait til they get bigger, and I'm prob gonna start using ferts in like middle or end of june. depends how big they get, but i got a question about cloning..... i wanna try to clone a few plants once i find out the sex.....but im not too sure.....will it grow fast with rooting solution...