First Grow Help


Active Member
i few weeks ago a planted about five seeds in separate pots outdoors, i plan to put them in the ground when they get bigger, but I used crappy dirt from the ground. A few sprouted already, but i want to put them in good soil. But how do i go about removing them and replacing the soil?



Well-Known Member
This is one way.

Rather than transplanting, BushyOldGrower (BOG) cuts the bottom out of the present pot, and places it in a larger pot partially filled with soil.

This image shows this technique, with the smaller pot having had its bottom inch removed.

The double potted plant is now ready to put on some new roots.

buddha fett :) makes a cut along the bottom and tapes it back up before he starts his plants to limit stress.

Finally, a new spin on this Bushy Old Technique by Overgrow contributor eugene, who transplanted this grow bag onto a trough filled with soil. Its now ready to grow and SCroG.



Well-Known Member
Good-to-know tip: When transplanting a plant into a larger medium, make sure the soil is nice and moist. Moist soil will stick to your finger, if the soil consistency is just right you can begin transplanting. Another tip, for clones and seedlings use a paper-cup, paper-cups are most easy to deal with with a transplanting situation... just cut the bottom of the pot and push gently so the soil mass goes up and releases from the sides of the cup.
In my situation im transplanting a plant from a 2 gallon plastic pot to a 5 gallon bucket. This can be tricky, usually transplanting a large plant such as this one would need 2 people to do this (one to hold plant securely and the other to pull the container off), but it can be done with one person. The trick is to tip the plant just slightly so it slides out, usually it takes a bit for it to budge... what i do is i use my index finger and i jab it into one of the drainage holes then push down, now this wont effect large plants but do so gently just enough to get it going... this works really well to get the soil detached from the sides.

You should have already prepared the bucket with soil. You can judge it and place the old container in to measure up how high you want the plant to be.... for me im leaving about 1ft.

And i want to leave about 4inches of no soil on the top.

Once the soil is the appropriate height you can place the plant ontop of the prefilled soil, proceed to fill the sides of the container with soil. Press down gently and continue filling the container each time. You need to use gloves (if your a wussy and don't want to get dirty then use a small shovel).
This never fails, you should be transplanting like a pro!



Active Member
some are in a cup and some are in a small pot, which i prob should transplant to the ground when they get bigger. but should i like wash the soil off with water and like put the new soil in?



Well-Known Member
just carefully handle the plant..and dig a little hole in the dirt in the larger pot. then get your plant out of the container its in now(CAREFULLY) and just put it in the hole you dug. cover the roots and everything with dirt. i didnt do that good of a job explaining but its easy dude.


Well-Known Member
get new ORGANTIC soil..iv been using miracle grow organtic. i had to transplant 2 plants yesterday because of the shitty rain storms..thought the water was gonna drown em`/ there about 3 weeks old too. in your pot put NEW organtic soil. u might wanna moisten the soil a little but not too moist and then transplant


Active Member
okay, when it starts getting bigger i was planning to use chem ferts, but then i was thinking about doing it totally organic. I just want to know if i have to worry about the NPK % since its organic. Does the totally organic ferts have the NPK numbers on it? What are some totally organic ferts that i can use? and are organic ferts more expensive then chemical ones?



Well-Known Member
those cubs aren't the best but well... they will support the plant till it hits 4 to 6" of dense grow. by then you should be set to act slowly.


Active Member
i jus took 2 more new pics. the 2nd pic is taller, but it has some spots on its leaves idk why. The 1st pic is lookin good and healthy.




Active Member
okay i went to Homedepot and Walmart to check out which soils they have. I was planning on using Fox Farms, but the only place that carries it is like 40 mins away. I check it on the Fox Farms website. The soils that i saw that looked decent were Scotts Premium Top Soil and Organic Choice Garden Soil. So what do you guys think?



Active Member
update: took 2 pics today.....theyre looking pretty good......jus wondering when i should start using fertilizer......thanks



Active Member
Updtae: took 2 pics today.....and i also bought some Miracle Grow All Purpose fertilizer. 24-15-10 i think......i dont really remember the exact NPK. but i think its perfect for Veg.



Active Member
yeah ill wait til they get bigger, and I'm prob gonna start using ferts in like middle or end of june. depends how big they get, but i got a question about cloning.....

i wanna try to clone a few plants once i find out the sex.....but im not too sure.....will it grow fast with rooting solution or something? since its gonna be starting to grow late.....the clones prob wont keep up with the others.....since its starting late......whatever tho.....more plants means more buds at the end......and i know you you need a lot of i was thinking of doing it outside with like a clear soda bottle over the plant to keep the moisture....would this work, and i guess i would take the cap off the top since idk if it would like suffocate it, and would it still be good for the moisture?

and i heard that sunlight is bad for should i try to put it somewhere where it gets indirect in the woods or something?


Crazy Composer's Soil Cloning Method


Active Member a little worried for my babies cause its raining outside....been raining for a while.....hopefully they don't drown....ill check em out tomorrow if i can....