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  1. S

    *pics*Bag seed plant is it a lowryder?

    Hey ive been growing some bag seed and its been about 6 weeks since sprout and either its other problems(check previous topic everything wrong imaginable happend to this plant) leading to the tiny stunted growth or theyre lowryders.what do you guys think? Thanks in advance.
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    argh man that is so shitty to hear, i think im just going to transplant to new soil and everything how do i clean the roots ?
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    would it be okay for me to just transplant into a whole new soil and if that was OK what would you guys recommend.
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    wow thanks everyone so much i think i maybe watering them too frequently. fucken miracle gro had no idea about the auto nute thing which makes me even more frustrated that I increased a bit more than half a teaspoon of flora nova into the the water, what would you recommend . transplanting...
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    what should the average ph level for growing this? i'm using miracle-gro as my soil. what do you mean by 'feeding her'? thank you for your help.
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    help! leaves are brown and folded &hasn't grown in a week!

    Hi, can someone please help me? The leafs are browned and folded (rolled up), it hasn't grown in a week. The PH level of water is 6.5-7.0. Should I flush it or wait a bit?
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    Hi, can someone please help me? The leafs are browned and folded (rolled up), it hasn't grown in a week. The PH level of water is 6.5-7.0. Should I flush it or wait a bit?
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    help Wierd sideways growing plant(pics include)

    yeah dont really happening know whats happening:-| help would be greatly appreciated(maybe one light is stronger than the other or overwatering?) they are cfl lights: two 175watts and two 145watts. thanks in advance.
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    Here to help... Ask me anything

    asked this once already not many answers I have a 5 day old seedling very healthy under some cfls in a big pot 6 by 6 and i know its terrible to over water the plants. i was just wondering what people mean when they say by watering the plants and not watering again until the soil dries. do...
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    Watering 5 day old Seedling question(THIS AGAIN?sry)

    Hey guys first post may potentially be a really stupid question. but I have a 5 day old seedling very healthy under some cfls in a big pot 6 by 6 and i know its terrible to over water the plants. i was just wondering what people mean when they say by watering the plants and not watering again...