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  1. D

    Cheese!!! Need help i dont want to loose this strain!

    This is my first time growing cheese and I got the clone via a club in L.A. the problem is that basically all the powerplant leaves are getting brown spots, curling up, getting crispy and brown and falling off. the problem started in veg and now im flowering and its back. heres what im...
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    help!!! weird problem

    dont worry about the yellowing its normal. as long as the new growth isnt yellowing ur fine. looks like those plants could use more light what do u have them under?
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    can you please help male or female?!

    need better pic... close up of the node would be good. but ya i dont see any balls. but ya not flowering
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    where should i get my seeds?

    Ive been growing bagseed and im over it. i want some real strong genetics so iknow what im dealing with.. thinking of using advanced nutrients for this grow
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    where should i get my seeds?

    im in the U.S. too if that helps
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    where should i get my seeds?

    hey real quick... any of u guys know any reputable online seed banks that i could orders seeds from and not worry about them not showing up?? thanks
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    can you flush miracle grow soil w/ the time/water release nutes?

    thanks alot.. .ill just leave them alone. there is no yellowing on the leaves yet and they look healthy... i was just concerned because i just transplanted them into MG and wasnt positive on what was going to happen in the future.
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    can you flush miracle grow soil w/ the time/water release nutes?

    i have plants in miracle grow soil. the kind that already has nutes in it and releases them everytime you water them. I was wondering if i could flush those nutes that are already in there out of the soil. i was thinking that since they are water released if i try to flush them all that water...
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    Some daaank!

    K... thought I'd give a quick update... 4 of the 7 were female... We started flowering june 1st, under 1 1000w hps over the plants, and a 400w hortilux in the middle of the plants. I have a few questions on these 2 particular sativa dominant plants. 1 of them, if i recall correctly, came from...
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    fast growing bagseed

    are those bagseed? they look like a mexican sativa. i grew a mexican sativa and was similar to that... try and keep thos CFL's as close as you can to the plants. looks like there a little problem with stretching. the nodes are so far apart.
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    Miracle Grow Soil For Plants?

    to tell ya the truth miracle grow is about one of the worst soils to use for what your doing. the nutes they already have in there fuck up the ph. miracle grow has killed some of my plants
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    How to yield a 1 lb. with 9(or so) plants?

    do SCROG with 4 plants and get around 4 ounces per plant. u need the right equiptment tho...obviously
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    My plants dying!!! please help! leaf discoloration and major curling!

    It could also have something to do with the ph. evertime you water the miracle grow soil it releases nutes which effect the ph of the soil. your ph could be off and that could be the reason the plants leaves are curling up.
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    My plants dying!!! please help! leaf discoloration and major curling!

    definatly not heat damage there is not even enough light/heat comming from those bulbs. i keep my cfls 1cm or closer and have never had any whithering. i would agree with the miracle grow theory. miracle grow is shitty for what your using it for. i would recommend some organic soils like happy...
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    Best stealth box EVER!!! Comments?

    your probably not going to get what your looking for growing in that size space
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    My 1st Grow Outdoors

    that second pic is 100% not marijuana
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    Help me decide when to force flower!

    Help me out! I was wondering what you guys think of force flowering these plants at the latest may 15th. Also, right now we are giving the plants pure blend pro and superthrive every other watering... any suggestions. should we add anything?? here is a link to my grow journall on roll it up...
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    4/20 problem!!! Light died!

    i have 7 plants under 1 400w MH and 2 100w hps lamps.. last night the 400w mh died overnight but the other lights were fine. the plants are about 8 inches tall and have 3 to 4 sets of leaves. whats should i do ???!! HELP
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    400 watt MH/ 2x 100watt hps???

    Ya there are like 4 or 5 different kinds of great bagseed. in the bags the seeds came from the nugs were just absolutely covered with trichs. I have a 3x4 x5 grow box that they are in now. sorry about being a lazy fuck with the pictures. ill make that a priority in the next few days.
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    should i even try it?

    I currently have an indoor grow going and i am wanting to do an outdoor grow this summer. i live in an area with weather in the 90's in the summer with a relative humidity of around 80. Are these conditions too extreme? is it a waste of time?