400 watt MH/ 2x 100watt hps???


Active Member
This is my first grow. My setup is a 400 watt MH lamp along with 2x 100watt hps lamps. I Germinated 8 seeds in miracle grow potting soil. one of the seedlings died and I am now left with 7. The seedlings stayed under 2 24w CFL's for about a week and a half until i thought they were ok to put under the MH and hps where they have stayed for 8 days. i keep the temp in their at about 75 degrees and the relative humidity is at 40. I have been watering them whenever i feel that the soil is too dry (trying to avoid overwatering). I alternate between regular water and superthrive treated water every other time they are watered.

some questions that have come up that i need to address soon.
1. Nutrients- what recommended nutrients should i start to give them and when? (brands)
2. Transplanting- do i need to do this relatively soon. what size pots? can i switch the soil?
3. what do you think about the lighting setup? i plan on flowering with a 400 watt hps along with the 2 hps 100 watts lamps

Any input anyone has would be great...thanks

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Well-Known Member
If this is your first time grow, you should get something like the Techniflora Recipe for Success starter kit. It makes it easy and has everything you need. It also has things that are not crucial but it fairly inexpensive.


As far as transplanting, I start off in 1 gallon containers and move them to 5 gallon buckets a couple of weeks before flowering. Just don't let the plants go too long in a tiny container and get root bound.

Lights should be great, nice combination between MH and HPS for both blue and red spectrum.

Sounds Good! :)


Active Member
Thanks alot... thats helpful. what about the soil... when I transplant them can i do an upgrade on the soil.... or rather mix new soil in with the existing. if so, what soil do you recommend?


Well-Known Member
If this is your first time grow, you should get something like the Techniflora Recipe for Success starter kit. It makes it easy and has everything you need. It also has things that are not crucial but it fairly inexpensive.


As far as transplanting, I start off in 1 gallon containers and move them to 5 gallon buckets a couple of weeks before flowering. Just don't let the plants go too long in a tiny container and get root bound.

Lights should be great, nice combination between MH and HPS for both blue and red spectrum.

Sounds Good! :)

i agree 100% with DownOn Wax on the nutes and transplanting. I am currently using techaflora for the first time and it is unbeliveble awesome. i have had no issue with nute burn or defficencies. Its simple to use and it last a long time because the feed shedule is feed , water, water, feed. even comes with rooting gel! I have 10 plants under 1 400 watt HPS and 1 100 watt HPS and they are about 4 weeks into flowering and doing great.

i started in 1 qt containers, then went to 1 gallon buckets, then to 5 gallon square office trash cans (rubbermaid) the square footprint allowed me to fit more into the space than if i had used standard 5 gallon buckets.

how much height do you have? i vegged to 12 inches and my plants are all over 30-36 inches or higher. (not including bucket height. keep in mind, they may get triple your veg height when you got to flower.
your lights seem fine for seven plants, are they feminized seeds? if not you are most likely going to end up with 3-4 females, in which case the 400 HPS by it self will be more than enough (save some $$ on electricity)

MOST IMPORTANTLY: DO NOT OVER WATER AND CONSTANTLY MONITOR YOUR PH. i leaned the hard way, no mater what eqipment you use, if your ph is off or you over water bad thing happen.

good luck and get some pics up!!


Well-Known Member
oh- the soil. you can leave the miracle grow that is stuck to the root ball but use new for everything else. you can use MG but it is difficult to get the right mix when adding nutes to pre fertilized soil. I would suggest mixing your own. I use 1/3 sterilized potting soil (it'll say sterilized on the bag), 1/3 store bought streilized top soil, and 1/3 perlite. all three are available at most garden centers or home impovement stores or even wally world


Active Member
Ya there are like 4 or 5 different kinds of great bagseed. in the bags the seeds came from the nugs were just absolutely covered with trichs. I have a 3x4 x5 grow box that they are in now. sorry about being a lazy fuck with the pictures. ill make that a priority in the next few days.

fat sam

Well-Known Member
as far as soil goes any of the fox farm soils are good, stay away from potting soil with to much bark mulch in it as it tends to be far to acidic and will cause problems, if you can get a bag of sunshine mix #4, its an innert medium meaning it has no nutrients in it and then use a complete hydroponic fert like general hydroponics or fox farm or canna, stay away from the shit like miracle grow and all the other cheap home depot shit, your best bet for cheap nutes is to get some fish emulsion and worm castings and bat guano and stuff like that, plants absolutly love that shit