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  1. S

    Overwatering/Unerderwatering/Nute Burn?

    I live in the tropics and the hotter it gets the more humid it gets... we had a day the other week that was 38 degree celcius and 97% humidity
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    my box to hot!

    yeah i wouldn't worry to much but i have seen a diy small humidifier that also claims to cool your room a few degs aswell. Dont have a link sorry by if you do a search for it im sure you will find it.
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    Yellow Leaves, Nute Burn?....Help!!

    cant help to much with information provided however check your ph thats usually the main advice however is go buy some new soil and repot it if you want to have any chance at winning this fight... Also maybe stay clear of miricle grow next time all i ever read is bad things, just...
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    Whilst over feeding is most likely your cuase here just wanted to check what your temps are as well. The second picture looks like abit like heat burn. Again it could just be how your plants are reacting to being over fert. Also just another quicky of the top of my head are they drooping befor...
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    Seek Marijuana, overwatering ? heatstress ? low humidity ? or absence of fertilizer ?

    possibly a ph issue, check the soils ph and the ph of the water ur using. this is only an area to start.
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    symtoms of too much chlorine

    bump for something i would also like to see :)
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    over watering or what?

    try putting something over your soil to reduce the dying time and need for regular waterings, trace out the pot base on some cardboard/plastic/mylar and cut it out, then make a slice half way down the middle and put a hole for the stem to fit through. Also yellow leaves are SOOOO hard to pin...
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    help please with pic +rep

    okay im going to throw this out there but you may have an under watered problem due to a bad soil mixture, go and actually check the soil, dig down a bit to the root level and see wat its like, is it wet or dry. im guessing you have hot spots... when you water does the water evenly soak into...
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    Nute. Problem, stress, or just about done?

    yeah mate i think its time to cut that bud :) just to be sure what colour are the tricromes? just from the picture all i see is orange hairs this is a sign that its ready as u would already know.
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    What is hapening to my plants? *PICS*

    not really seeing much wrong there... ummm maybe if anything its got to much N but some people also say you can never have to much, the curl and very very dark green leaves are the sign... The purple leaf stems could just be a strain trait or just to be sure check your ph and make sure you dont...
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    Whats wrong with my plants? bottom leaves turning color and dieing. PLEASE HELP ASAP

    long story short nute def, most likely nitrogen or mag but id put my money on nitrogen. But now to the longer side of the story i noticed some purple on the stems you might be having a ph problem cuasing nute lock out. When growing in soil, PH can become the biggest headache ever. Take this...
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    Just keeps getting worse!! help

    go to a pet store and get a ph drop kit... cost me $3 and is acurate enough for me :)
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    1 plant, 2 main colas. How will this end up?

    one of my clones ended up like this a while back, nothing to worry about if anything its something to be proud of, if you really want a bushy monster slowly bend/weigh/tie eash side down a bit more maximizing light penitration.
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    42w CFLs in Australia?

    okay cheers mate hmm this has now given me a big decission to go with 2 biggest 100w lights or multiple little ones haha dont u love these though decisions :) well thanks anyways and goodluck with all your grows.
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    heya mate where did u find your lights in the end? got a link?

    heya mate where did u find your lights in the end? got a link?
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    42w CFLs in Australia?

    neg90 where did u find those lights? link or info on how to find on ebay eg what to search for. When it comes to those 100w cfls i was talking about just do a search in google for aussie ponics.
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    42w CFLs in Australia?

    okay im sorta in the same boat as you mate im from the top end and have been thinking of setting up a cheap clone n veg room to help my babys at the start of their lives. no to the problem at hand i also couldn't find much and where i live we have the same stores u listed, in the end i purchased...
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    First time closet grow (CFL)

    i started 4 spourts on a 24w 6500k rated 1350 lummens light. after two weeks i was on my third set of leaves and they all looked very very healthy nice big green leaves. the cfl light had a dome reflecter and was just inch away from the seedlings at all times on a 24/7 cycle. i eventually added...