Overwatering/Unerderwatering/Nute Burn?

Hey folks....I checked my ladies this morning and found a bunch of the larger fan leaves going yellow as well as some browning of the tips. I know its not bugs or mold but can't figure out what it is. My room is running at 80 degrees, switching feeding with every other watering, watering between 2-5 days(typically every 3 days). I'm in small containers so I just pick my plants up to see if they are dry(vs just checking the top soil). I have fans running consistantly.

I'm using flora nova as my base and had been using foxfarm open sesame, switching to bestie bloomz this week. I thought it was a nitrogen def mixed a small amount into my feed but that seems to have made the problem worse. All my nutes and water are PH balanced to 6.4-6.8.

whats going on?


Well-Known Member
are ur pots large enuff, root issues can stress it, if ur root bound it could be missing certain nutes. what age are they and are u lights at right distance.


Active Member
sounds like underwatering 80f is high you will need to water like everyday maybe and it sounds like your giving it way to many nutes did you start at like 1/4 nutes and slowly give it to the plant? or did you go full nutes the brown tips could be the lights burning the plant cause there not getting enough water to stay moist whats your humidity like?


are ur pots large enuff, root issues can stress it, if ur root bound it could be missing certain nutes. what age are they and are u lights at right distance.
Know of any more info on this?

I had my plants in a small pot and didnt have time to get around to transplanting them.. and then bam.. the next day after I check them, the lower leaves are yellow with brown spots. Eventhough they were wattered enough, still they chouldnt supply the water/ nutes fast enough to the larger leaves.:-?

They've since been transplanted!



Well-Known Member
watering everyday is suicide , even with high temps. most the time the higher the temps the higher the humidity indoors so ...


Active Member
watering everyday is suicide , even with high temps. most the time the higher the temps the higher the humidity indoors so ...
your joking right? higher the temp higher the humidity? its the other way around...

higher the temps the less moisture is in the air cause the heat evaporates it...

lower temp = higher humidity

high temp + low humidity = plants drinking alot more


Well-Known Member
u got it all wrong man , just think "INDOORS" the heat evaporates it u got that part rite but its in a ceiled enviroment where is the water to get? it gets more humid. put it this way i grow in a airtight closet and the heat evaporates the water and makes it 100% humid only in hours without a fan


I live in the tropics and the hotter it gets the more humid it gets... we had a day the other week that was 38 degree celcius and 97% humidity


Well-Known Member
when I switch my lights off and subsequently temperature decreases, Humidity level increases almost instantly.

less temperature in same space makes more humid but it has nothing to do with the respiration of the plant. Plants use more water(but not necessarilly more nutrient )in high temperature. so it is all about finding the best adjusted temperaure according to humidity or vise versa in your grow room. Thats why thay say temp about 25 degree and humidity about %50.