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  1. HondaVixen

    Sweet Purple vs Purple Power

    Was wondering the exact same thing....
  2. HondaVixen

    A thread about making money with selling the Marijuana. Don't get angry, just read.

    It is said, if you are good at something, then never do it for free. If you are in a position to do something wonderful, and something you actually enjoy - instead of sitting in a shitty cubical, 9-5 job, then do it. (unless thats the kind of stuff you enjoy) He wasn't interrogating anyone, he...
  3. HondaVixen

    Waited too long to flush... now what?

    Lessons Learned, thanks for the information everyone. Luckily that was my last bout with soil, and have moved on to StinkBuds system. Looking forward to many more trials and triumphs with you guys, :D
  4. HondaVixen

    Waited too long to flush... now what?

    pictures arent going through - so one person says mag. deficiency and you're saying phosphorus......... Now I'm at the point where they should be flushing, and I'm just chopping them down to not fuck anything anymore... So, whatever. Never had this issue before, hope never will.
  5. HondaVixen

    Waited too long to flush... now what?

    Not very well at all, at this point Ive lost 3 of my ladies. I checked the ph run off that evening, and all was well. I started a foilage spray with epsom salt, and next feeding also added epsom salt to the reservior. Over the next week things have just steadily gotten worse. I dont...
  6. HondaVixen

    Waited too long to flush... now what?

    Please don't apologize... you're help is always appreciated!! Luckily, I have epsom salt already for relaxing baths.. Would you like me to send you some better pictures of the yellowing leaves? The leaves don't really seem striped to me... nothing going straight down the vein, but I could be...
  7. HondaVixen

    Waited too long to flush... now what?

    Hmm. Okay. Well atleast that is covered. thanks, appreciate it!
  8. HondaVixen

    Waited too long to flush... now what?

    haha.. yea I'm not that high tech yet - but would look nice on the new 40in the bf and I just invested in :D So the trichromes are what I would call the "crystals".. yes?
  9. HondaVixen

    Waited too long to flush... now what?

    Oh wow, not as expensive as I though, awesome. Do they make any that take pictures?
  10. HondaVixen

    Waited too long to flush... now what?

    Wow you guys just made me realize how much I DONT know... haha. I really appreciate all the help so far - thanks! I'm keeping the ph at 6.2 - and the way to check for nutrient lock up is to check the run off, correct? I'll check out the post on deficiencies and see if I can find a good addition...
  11. HondaVixen

    Waited too long to flush... now what?

    Okay, so I need to pick up a decent microscope.. but the hairs don't mean anything?
  12. HondaVixen

    how to deal with the RCMP when they come knocking on your door

    mygirls.... I think you're my favorite person on here... :D besides all the help you've given me, you're just hilarious. lol.
  13. HondaVixen

    Waited too long to flush... now what?

    Is there any way to my babies? I was working with a friend of mine, when they up and decided that greed was more important than our friendship, and took our 3 1000w's/reflectors/ballasts, two lbs of freshly havested bud, 2 charcoal canisters, etc etc and hauled ass down...
  14. HondaVixen

    Waited too long to flush... now what?

    I wouldnt doubt theyre stressed. Due to what I thought was a good friend fucking me and stealing all of my equipment, i managed to salvage two 400w lamps. I know I'm still in the very much novice mode... what are the Calyxes? and how could you tell about the deficiency? and how would I fix...
  15. HondaVixen

    I nearly pissed myself..

    is that the technical name for a tobacco/mj joint.. a spliff?..... yuck! the smiley face was killer though :D
  16. HondaVixen

    Waited too long to flush... now what?

    they DONT look done? The hairs are almost all completely brown... I thought that was the sure sign of being completely cooked.
  17. HondaVixen

    I'm in MONTH 10 of flowering, ANY IDEAS.

    agreed. holy shit. I was stressing out after 12 weeks of flowering.
  18. HondaVixen

    any advice

    5.5 - 5.8 for the ph... 7+ is way way too high, don't know if thats the cause of the problem or not though... light height seems good, and the temp could be a little cooler, but its not dangerously high or anything. If you're using LED's then you must be ballin :D maybe pick up a window unit /...
  19. HondaVixen

    Waited too long to flush... now what?

    Thanks for your help so far guys - definitely appreciated!
  20. HondaVixen

    Waited too long to flush... now what?

    The first two are the Train Wrecks, the second two are the Unknowns. Theyre in week 6 of flowering, and will start flushing this week for 2 weeks. p.s. sorry theyre a bit blurry - camera phone.