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  1. slavetothetrade

    Help! spots and light green deformed new growth!! whats goin on!!? ::: PICS::

    Looks to me like maybe mild heat stress or possibly over fertilizing. It doesn't appear to be that bad though so I would just back the light a little further from the plants to see if that helps and then go from there. Good luck.
  2. slavetothetrade

    Is this something to worry about?

    This plant does have some huge buds on it. The hairs have started to turn red and there are alot of crystals on the buds. Even though it is not quite ready could I go ahead and harvest it now? There are some huge buds on it and i'd hate to just trash them.
  3. slavetothetrade

    Is this something to worry about?

    So this is my first grow. I'm in the 5th week of flower and so far everything has been growing great. I just have a question about one of my plants. At first I thought that this was just bud growth but now I am concerned that it could be male flowers. I already removed one plant that was for...
  4. slavetothetrade

    is this hermaphrodite?

    i've decided that probably the best thing would be to get it outside, away from my other plants. since it is going from 3 weeks in a 12/12 light cycle and is already covered in buds to outdoors and where there is probably about 18 hours of light what kind of reaction should I expect?
  5. slavetothetrade

    is this hermaphrodite?

    So while watering today I was looking under leaves to check for any possible mites and made an absolute horrid discovery. I am a first timer so I am not sure but I want to know if this plant is hermaphrodite and if it is has it already ruined the rest of my females. I am about 3 weeks into...
  6. slavetothetrade

    to flush or not to flush, that is the question

    I thought that maybe it could be a lack of light also. I have been hittin them kinda hard with the fertilizer also so I wasn't sure which it was. I'll just hold off on the next watering and see if they seem to get any worse. Thanks for the info.
  7. slavetothetrade

    to flush or not to flush, that is the question

    I seem to have gotten a little carried away with the plant food and a few of the bottom leaves are slightly yellowing. It doesn't appear to be very serious but i'm a first timer so none the less I am concerned. Plants are in soil, veg cycle and about 4-5 weeks old and about 18-24" in height...
  8. slavetothetrade

    Leaves curling up?

    Thanks for the input. That was my first thought as well. Newbie, so i'm a little paranoid, lol. Raised the light yesturday so hopefully that will take care of the curling problem. One of what i'm sure will be many mistakes.
  9. slavetothetrade

    Leaves curling up?

    Hi all. First timer here and so far so good untill the past few days. I am using 400watt MH light, about a 75/25 mix of MG garden soil and sand. I water approximately every four days with tap-water that has set out for at least 36 hours. I figured there is probably quite a bit of nutrients in...