is this hermaphrodite?

So while watering today I was looking under leaves to check for any possible mites and made an absolute horrid discovery. I am a first timer so I am not sure but I want to know if this plant is hermaphrodite and if it is has it already ruined the rest of my females. I am about 3 weeks into flower. These were grown from seed. I did touch it and it appeared as though dust did come off it. So experienced folks give a verdict and some advice.



Well-Known Member
I am sorry to say it but it sure looks like it to me. If so, you have three options.

One is to grow it out and collect the seeds. They should be 90% female.
Two is to pick off every male part you see and hope for the best.
Three is to toss the plants that have hermed. Or seperate them.
But you have to do it quick.

Good luck.

i've decided that probably the best thing would be to get it outside, away from my other plants. since it is going from 3 weeks in a 12/12 light cycle and is already covered in buds to outdoors and where there is probably about 18 hours of light what kind of reaction should I expect?

Musical Suicide

New Member
Well I just took a razor blade to my hermie and got off all the male parts and none have grown back. The pistols have grown way bigger and much faster. Also, from what I understand seeds from hermies also carry that gene, so I dont know about harvesting seeds from them.


Well-Known Member
You dont want the pollen from that getting to your girls. Putting it outside would be okay if your far enough away. I would cut the male parts anyway and wash before handeling the girls.

My understand is it takes a good month or so to revert back to veg completly. It may not be the average time but that is about how long it took a plant I did it with.

I have harvested seeds from hermies but havent tried to grow them yet. From what I understand yes they do carry the gene but they carry many others as well and the chance of growing another hermie is about 10% or about the same as getting a male. I think thats how they make fem seeds. stress the mother.


good luck.