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  1. N

    seeds to sprout

    my seed sprouted and it was beautifull but after reading somewhere to put my light 5 to 6 inches away i did so and it burned up overnight:(.... but now after having some short-lived success i germinated 8 seeds and they are now almost one week old and i have my light about 2 feet above them and...
  2. N

    seeds to sprout

    im in the same boat as you, its been 4 days since i planted, keep me informed and lemme know when urs sprout
  3. N

    How long until my seeds sprout a plant/leaf?

    man im having the same problem i do all the same stuff u did but my seed is a bad ass nug seed that i germinated and planted when it sprung a root. I planted the root up, wasw i supposed to do that?