How long until my seeds sprout a plant/leaf?


Active Member
basically thats all i want to know. ive never grown ANYTHING at all in my life ever and before i bought the seeds or stuff i spent weeks learning everything about growing weed and growing indoors in general, but what i dont know is how long it takes a typical white widow seedling to sprout?

i kept soaked in a wet paper towel for 2 days, a root sprouted a little, then planted. This was about 4-5 days ago and i still dont see any green poking up out of the soil, i planted the seed about 1/2 inch into the soil. Is it dead already? How much longer till i can breathe the sigh of relief and see my baby poke its little head out from under the soil?

^^^^ is my main grower thread i just dont think i put it in the right forum


Well-Known Member
give it another 5 dayz and keep the top soil moist with a spray bottle or something i also place a heating pad under mines in a humidome


Active Member
yo do u live in the usa? where did u buy ur seeds from?

i live in southeast usa, and its an indoor grow, i got 10white widows from nirvana global. humidity around 40%, temp around 80-85F. a few drops of antichlorine fish drops are put in water that is then let to sit for about a day and thats what i use to water it.


Active Member
o white widows are fast germinaters, give it a nother minute or 2
is that sarcasm?

i pushed a hole into the wet soil up to my index finger knuckle which, when the soil is wet and compacted may be an inch. plus with slight water once a day it gets compacted even more. out of the bag its was real loose, now its about 2inches lower than it was when i first filled it. im guessing its hasnt shown itself yet cus of the deepness plus the soil thickness?

or maybe im having beginners luck and its spending more time than usual on its root system... i can only hoap. if i had to take a serious guess id say im overwatering


man im having the same problem i do all the same stuff u did but my seed is a bad ass nug seed that i germinated and planted when it sprung a root. I planted the root up, wasw i supposed to do that?