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  1. Hydrofarm420

    166w rubbermaid Bonanza

    Damn dude, now thats DIY enginuity for ya. And im very surprised that that came from lucky SOB...
  2. Hydrofarm420

    Need Assistance with spots

    just an afterthought but is it safe to try and move a 5 foot plant in a five gal bucket? It wont stress?shock them will it? The buds are starting to get some weight so thye wobble like crazy. In order to flush id have to move them. :(
  3. Hydrofarm420

    Need Assistance with spots

    thanks man...that actually sounds like your right on the money. I flushed one last night as an experiment and whaddaya know? Greenin right back up already. The spots are still there (necrotic tissue doesnt heal does it?) but everything else is looking alot better. thanks yall that really...
  4. Hydrofarm420

    Need Assistance with spots

    The pH is usually around 6.5 +/- .2. They are in soil in 5 gallon pots. I've been giving them GH floranova nutes at almost max strenght every other watering. Is it possible that this is to strong a mixture and either burning the plants or causing nute lockout? Anybody ever use Nova nutes in...
  5. Hydrofarm420

    Need Assistance with spots

    No one has any idea what this is?
  6. Hydrofarm420

    help! last living plant

    yea man...i had similar problems when i grew DWC. Turned out my pH was riding a rollercoaster and almost killed everything. Only question i have is why are you attempting to grown in hydro without a PPM meter and an ACCURATE pH meter? Im fairly new to RIU but i been growing for a bit, and i...
  7. Hydrofarm420

    Need Assistance with spots

    Follow up pix....sorry for the quality yall know how bad hps lights suck for pix.
  8. Hydrofarm420

    Need Assistance with spots

    How goes it 420 friendly out there. Im having a problem with greyishbrownish spots on some of the leaves on my tops. I don't beleive its a nute def. as they're being fertilized with GH nutes. Im not sure if it is some kind of fungus or root problem, and i have been unable to find any other...
  9. Hydrofarm420

    WTF? please, help, any ideas?

    Oh disagreement there, i knew mine was a hermi when i saw hairs and ballz on the same plant, i was just tryin to give ol boy a pic of what my hermi looked like. Unfortunately as of today there will be no more pix of that one cuz he/she got his/her shit cut
  10. Hydrofarm420

    WTF? please, help, any ideas?

    actually man, it has bracts with hairs on half the plant, so... that pic is from the same plant man...
  11. Hydrofarm420

    WTF? please, help, any ideas?

    So... theres really no way to figure out whether or not its specifically something im doing wrong, or if its genetic. Ive heard strains like thai and other asian varieties will do that, but this is kush. 3 females were perfect, but on the fourth one female preflowers started splitting open and...
  12. Hydrofarm420

    WTF? please, help, any ideas?

    just an afterthought, anybody know any PROVEN reasons other than to short a photoperiod for them to hermi? I've had alot of problems with hermi's in the past and never really got any closure on it. Here are a few pix for reference...
  13. Hydrofarm420

    WTF? please, help, any ideas?

    yea im with other homie, those look like fertilized female bracts. if a bunch of bananas pop out of it then its def time to harvest that one
  14. Hydrofarm420

    OK I need a discussion on this.

    Im actually having the same prob. Except its been 12 days of flowering and i have nothing. the preflowers on the main stem are actually shoots(coming out of a female bract). im beginning to think i have something that has neither sex. but yours may be diff from mine. I do however have what...
  15. Hydrofarm420

    reddish tips on preflowers?

    Do the tips look burnt or have they just changed color? If they do not look burnt id say that it is a normal occurance with the variety your choosing to grow. If they look burnt the more than likely it is nute burn, unless you haven't fertilized in a while. I wouldnt be to worried unless...
  16. Hydrofarm420

    Very odd preflowers...starting to wonder

    Unfortunately I was already using a magnifying glass to get those pix. Testament to the "quality" of my cam. I know its only a month and a half but i would have thought after a week and a half of 14/10 light cycle it would be starting to show signs of flowering. Ima just let it go I think...
  17. Hydrofarm420

    Very odd preflowers...starting to wonder

    Mostly thats my cam, in person they look like a bract thats split and now has a shoot growing out of it. pic0042 def looks like a hairless bract. There are many more all over the plant, but then then there are the mutations. Have you ever had something other than preflowers appear like that?
  18. Hydrofarm420

    Very odd preflowers...starting to wonder

    How goes it stoner world? I wasn't sure whether to post this in here or in Problems, but whatever. I have a month and a half old White widow (supposedly) that I am very confused about. It is currently in a 3.5 Gallon bucket DWC with GH Flora Nova Nutes and a pH of 6.48 (ten min ago). I cut the...