Very odd preflowers...starting to wonder

How goes it stoner world? I wasn't sure whether to post this in here or in Problems, but whatever. I have a month and a half old White widow (supposedly) that I am very confused about. It is currently in a 3.5 Gallon bucket DWC with GH Flora Nova Nutes and a pH of 6.48 (ten min ago). I cut the lights back from 24/0 to 14/10 last thursday. This is what i end up with one week later. This will be my umpteenth grow and I have never seen preflowers like these before. My cam kinda sux so its hard to see but to me some look like friggin shoots. Many others look distinctly female. and yet still i see bracts on stalks too. WTF? is that even possible? Is it a hermi? any help will be appreciated.


Mostly thats my cam, in person they look like a bract thats split and now has a shoot growing out of it. pic0042 def looks like a hairless bract. There are many more all over the plant, but then then there are the mutations. Have you ever had something other than preflowers appear like that?



New Member
Hard to tell but if there is no hair and no sign of anywhere for it to come from its likely a ball. But this is only sure if its a preflower. Is this from seed if so a. Month and a half isn't likely to show preflowers. Unless its an af but u said white widow? If u got a 5x laying around use it to try and get us a better pic but as for what's up thatre I see nothing out of the ordinary.
Unfortunately I was already using a magnifying glass to get those pix. Testament to the "quality" of my cam. I know its only a month and a half but i would have thought after a week and a half of 14/10 light cycle it would be starting to show signs of flowering. Ima just let it go I think until i start seeing signs of flowering. and jus hope for the best.