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  1. R


    just use duct tape
  2. R

    Questions and tips for myself for growing

    you got it hydro 101
  3. R

    WTF is going on?!

    hydrometer ----$10.00 finger (one or even two knuckles deep for all you perves out there) ----free your plants not dying from to much water ----- priceless
  4. R

    Humidity in the Cabinet - I'm Afraid Lights Will Break Due to Water? Help!

    if your that worried you can get stuff at pet shops(for reptiles and such) to bring down humidity
  5. R

    noise suppresion

    sorry to say it bro but the only way your gonna drown that hum down is if you put your ballest in the box but thats another problem because like some said earlier the amount of fans youll need to cool that bitch down and not kill your plants......... thats just counter productive get some cfls...
  6. R


    i have a few saplings that are about a week and half old and today they fell over and if you look at the base of the stalk its skinier than the top why is this
  7. R

    Is it Male?

    ahhh balls!!! thats never good