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  1. Umlunguusa

    what should i charge to be a grow consultant

    Make sure you create a reasonable demand for an underground don't want no bastard to cheat you, or even worse report what happened to me during one october in ukiah when I was 16. lol
  2. Umlunguusa

    Humanity CAN achieve enventual immortality

    Humanity is doomed to extinction. either through the destruction of culture or nuclear warfare...
  3. Umlunguusa

    Okay, so I got about a can I eat it?

    I don't think I can do a tincture, or make cannabutter, so I was thinking of just perhaps microwaving a burrito, melting cheese on the top, and then sinking the gram into the cheese, and covering it with another piece of cheese on top. would that work? any other ideas to inexpensively and with...
  4. Umlunguusa

    Humanity CAN achieve enventual immortality

    It's cool, I'm as high as you are, and I can hear what you're saying lol shit, I am so baked I misued "eventual" as "eventually"
  5. Umlunguusa

    Humanity CAN achieve enventual immortality

    Space travel, artificial microbes…Who is to say we can’t unlock the full potential of the mind? Surely one can fully transfigure the mind if we can control all other aspects of nature…who’s to say humanity can’t eventually achieve immortality? I mean, its as...imagine if you told someone from...
  6. Umlunguusa

    Best smoking culture in the nation

    Now I am just posting this to see what kind've responses I get, and to hear what people say about their own areas/states. But I think, handsdown, the best stoner (if you wish to use that word) culture is in The North Bay, primarily, the 707 (Humboldt, Mendocino, Sonoma) and the East Bay and...
  7. Umlunguusa

    Best smoking culture in the nation

    Now I am just posting this to see what kind've responses I get, and to hear what people say about their own areas/states. But I think, handsdown, the best stoner (if you wish to use that word) culture is in The Bay Area, primarily, the 707 (Humboldt, Mendocino, Sonoma) and the East Bay and...
  8. Umlunguusa

    Slang words you just can't stand

    no offense to Midwesterners, but why is their bud so much crap? at least, in Minneapolis it is, and I'm not saying it's all crap, just the intermediate qualities, otherwise, if you want a twomp sack of some bomb, then you need to throw down 40 bucks :(
  9. Umlunguusa

    When You're High, Is Everything..

    I sometimes hallucinate that I am high--like, I'll think I'm laughing and shit, and then realise I wasn't laughing at all! it was all in my head! but that's only with Bubonic though
  10. Umlunguusa

    Slang words you just can't stand

    Well in the bay area, it's different. Like, a white guy would probably get his ass kicked for using "nigga" (well, even then it depends on the circle of friends, some blacks are cool with their white frends using those words--yes, alot of blacks have white friends here), but mostly, people...
  11. Umlunguusa

    Slang words you just can't stand

    It's not "Hekka", it's "Hella". but you just don't understand it. if you're from the Urban bay (as in the south, and Peninsula and East bay) it's ingrained in your speech the way Canadians say "eh" or Southerners say "y'all" and it's used as a quantifyer for measurement "those beezies hella pack...
  12. Umlunguusa

    what are some local customs in your city regarding weed?

    I'm from the Bay Area, and we have a really deep weed culture. hell, after all, 4:20 was invented in Rafa, at some local high school... but what are some local weed customs, slang and culture you guys have across the country? me, I absolutely hate"doobee", "pot", "grass" and the word itself...
  13. Umlunguusa

    Slang words you just can't stand

    me, I absolutely hate"doobee", "pot", "grass" and the word itself, "marijuana", invented to pit our opinion against our mexican neighbors, and surely it was a success; everyone I know uses different words, I never hear "marijuana, pot, or doobee" ever. they all sound like the terms you'd find in...
  14. Umlunguusa

    Whatever happened to Barney Frank's congressional bill?

    I remember hearing about it on Bill Maher, but I don't know what happened to it as of yet...does anyone else?
  15. Umlunguusa

    Okay, so I was thinking of the Governments ad campaign against the herb... it in Obama's policy to consider legalizing marijuana as a form of "economic relief"? because I remember laughing from him at the prospect of it, making jokes of a serious issue. well, I am totally independent on issues from the mainstream politics, I just know that I'm a leftist...
  16. Umlunguusa

    Okay, so I was thinking of the Governments ad campaign against the herb...

    Okay, if anyone has been watching MTV as of late (don't blame me, I get to baked to change the channel sometimes, hehe) Then you'd notice the ads have recently changed focus on their messages from "Marijuana is dangerous" to "Marijuana will make you lazy"... Now correct me if I'm wrong, but...
  17. Umlunguusa

    Shit its 420!!! everybody post here if u high

    Baked. as hell. really baked.:leaf::weed: