Humanity CAN achieve enventual immortality


[FONT=&quot]Space travel, artificial microbes…Who is to say we can’t unlock the full potential of the mind? Surely one can fully transfigure the mind if we can control all other aspects of nature…who’s to say humanity can’t eventually achieve immortality?[/FONT]

I mean, its as...imagine if you told someone from the middle ages that they would one day be able to do all these incredible things!

Imagine if you could somehow communicate to a paleolithic man he would one day speak!

and that's what I'm saying. what if someone told you that one day, immortality can be achieved? stating the arguments above, would you agree?


stays relevant.
I've already started harvesting organs from vacationers staying at seedy motels ;)

I have enough body parts in my fridge to last me 2 more lifetimes ;)

I'm TOTALLY joking of course ;) ;)


I've already started harvesting organs from vacationers staying at seedy motels ;)

I have enough body parts in my fridge to last me 2 more lifetimes ;)

I'm TOTALLY joking of course ;) ;)
It's cool, I'm as high as you are, and I can hear what you're saying lol shit, I am so baked I misued "eventual" as "eventually"

Chase the Bass

Active Member
I think one of the most possible methods of "immortality" is to achieve perfect cell regeneration in our body. With huge advances in the science we could probably achieve perfect cell regeneration at a desired point in our life. Imagine if you could stay 30 or whatever you wish...for ever. With perfect cell regeneration we would also be able to heal and fight diseases much more effectively.

Pretty much you would be Wolverine without claws now that I think about it.


Well-Known Member
they might be able to figure out how to keep the body running forever.. however, they will still have to look both ways b4 crossing the street :)


Well-Known Member
Count me out.

You going to work forever?
Exactly, and what about population? If we're all going to live forever at our desired age do we ban pregnancies & child birth?

What would we be living for?

I personally think immortality can not exist... We need certain things (water/food/oxygen) to survive, as long as u can still be starved of these three things you will always be able to die.


Well-Known Member
Maybe but who wants to live forever? Would you be able to look at the future and honestly be content with it when you've seen greener pastures? It's simply things forseen in our future that I can do without seeing.


Well-Known Member
yeah no shit, if you told me I was gonna live forever, i'd choke you.. I might not kill you.. but there i'd be.. chokin you to death.. forever..


Well-Known Member
Lol, i don't like to talk about this when i'm high but... who believes in the whole 2012 theory.
I like to believe it's all Bull man. And i hope i'm right :D


Well-Known Member
Lol, i don't like to talk about this when i'm high but... who believes in the whole 2012 theory.
I like to believe it's all Bull man. And i hope i'm right :D
2012 is just the end of the age of Pisces. They use the water reference to usher in the new age of Aquarius.



New Member
Ahhh, you're talking about the whole Mayan calendar ending. Well actually it does end but then PICKS right back up again. Like flipping a coin. No worries, extinction is far away.....but still coming.


Well-Known Member
Well i hope to one day be smoking in my backyard and get abducted by aliens. And before getting probed they search me and find my sack. And then me and the aliens will become friends and i'll grow pot in their homeplanet.
Then once 2012 comes they will come pick me and my family up. :D lol


New Member
Hmm...that's a pretty tight time schedule. You better start spending all of your free time in the backyard.


Well-Known Member
Well i hope to one day be smoking in my backyard and get abducted by aliens. And before getting probed they search me and find my sack. And then me and the aliens will become friends and i'll grow pot in their homeplanet.
Then once 2012 comes they will come pick me and my family up. :D lol

Aliens? Don't you mean god. After all Aliens are our gods. Well at least my wife thinks that anyway. We're some clever experiment Between Aliens and Primates.