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  1. photoman509


    Its White Widow X Northern lights. It literally becomes so covered in trichomes it looks as thought it were covered in frost hence the name permafrost. This is a more difficult strain to grow and I wouldn't recommend it for new growers, but I have had it in my garden for a long time and I will...
  2. photoman509

    Starting A Plant in My Closet

    I would top it to bush it out a bit, you will yield more.
  3. photoman509

    Starting A Plant in My Closet

    Miracle grow is fine for growing things you plan to eat, but most of us grow marijuana to smoke. Certain chemicals in miracle grow when smoked have cancer causing agents.
  4. photoman509

    Starting A Plant in My Closet

    Well I understand being broke but sometimes you have to suffer and eat top ramen etc.. to get what you want, you wont regret it, even with cfl's your not going to yeild much.
  5. photoman509

    Starting A Plant in My Closet

    well you should be able to pick up a 400 watt hps for a couple hundred bucks, and I perfer the flora nova grow for veg and flora nova bloom for flower and floralicious as an additive in flower. You should pull an ounce to two ounces with that set up but definatly go for the 6oo watt hps with a/c...
  6. photoman509

    white widow cured pics

    Very nice! I was wondering what your widow smells like, I got a clone of "white widow" from a guy and It smells like berry. Its defiantly part of the white family but Im not sure its Widow, I'm thinking its probably white berry.
  7. photoman509

    PH Problem, Plz Help

    I agree fully 6.5 every time for me.
  8. photoman509

    Starting A Plant in My Closet

    Well first off I would get rid of the miracle grow and get some good nutrients like general hydroponics ( for soil or hydro) I myself have been growing in a closet for the last year and have had great success. I noticed you dont have much perlite in your soil, I use about a 60/40 soil to...
  9. photoman509

    is this plant a herm?

    the droopy leaves look like your over watering too.
  10. photoman509

    is this plant a herm?

    I agree with jordi here you need to wait for a while and honestly I would top it so its not so tall and lanky. It looks too me like you have your light to far away which is resulting in stretching. What light are you vegging with , how far away is it and how many hours a day do you have it on?
  11. photoman509

    PH Problem, Plz Help

    You should flush but with twice the water to the size pot your using ph'd correctly, you can also test the run off as you go so you can see if that is the problem. The biggest mistakes most new growers make is over watering and over feeding. The next time you water ( or after you flush) feel how...
  12. photoman509

    harvest pics!!!

    Fucking beautiful man!
  13. photoman509

    Do i stop Nutrients in flowering?

    stop a week or two before harvest. flush with twice the water of your pot size (growing with 3 gallon pot use six gallons of water to flush) this will clear any nutes leftover and avoid nasty tasting weed. Then use plain water till harvest. Im assuming this is you first grow, you'll be tempted...
  14. photoman509

    PH Problem, Plz Help

    Looks to me like over watering or over feeding. Phosphorus deficiency usually shows browning of the tips. At that size they don't really need to much nutrients and are you flowering that plant? If not you shouldn't be using bloom nutes as the plant wont use all of the nutrients, they will build...