is this plant a herm?


hi, one of my plants is growing new leaves where the hairs or sacks should be! what is up with this plant? is it a herm? should i destroy it? i have other plants and dont want it to f*ck them up! also there are blades missing from the lower part of the plants leaves? it just looks deformed to me! is this at all normal or should i kill it? its just over a month old. thanks



Well-Known Member
bro there should be branches growing out of those branches no buds man...with that plant you might get one small nug at the need to veg that thing for another a pic of it from top to wont know if you have a herm for a while


Well-Known Member
by a month i have a foot tall plant with ten branches hanging off it....that looks like one branch from a normal plant


I agree with jordi here you need to wait for a while and honestly I would top it so its not so tall and lanky. It looks too me like you have your light to far away which is resulting in stretching. What light are you vegging with , how far away is it and how many hours a day do you have it on?


Well-Known Member
Those are side shoots. They're perfectly normal.

Is the plant on a vegetative light cycle right now? It won't produce flowers of any sex until it's experiencing a flowering light cycle (12 hours of light 12 ours of darkness).

EDIT: Woops, you guys were faster then me. I agree about the need to fix your lighting situation, stretchy stretchy. =P


thanks for the fast replys. maybe i should have said its my first grow! anyway first pic is from top to bottom, it is 12" tall. the other pic of the 2 plants are the same age but they both have white hairs! didnt think they showed sex at this age? shows what i know! have 6 other plants but no signs there yet. i know i need to repot them, what size pots should i stick them in? and the best way to go about it! thanks

edit: my plants were streched at the start but i moved my light within 1" to 2" from the top. using a 300 watt dual spec cfl to veg. was gonna give them another month anyway. the light is on 24/7. temps between 78 and 86. humid 30s to 40s. thanks



Well-Known Member
letting the soil dry almost completely is a very good way to 1 keep your plants happy and 2 to keep gnats away.....gnats suck once the come they never leave