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  1. D

    Is my shit flowering already???

    Hello, thanks, I've seen a few pest problems forming on a several fan leafs, which I had removed once seen. Is there a way to neutralize any pest problems before bringing them indoors? I've seen the white dots, and the dark colored worm like thing.
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    Is my shit flowering already???

    A lil while ago I began to see a few pistils sprouting, with that general rule of thumb I knew they were female. The days are long here and I didn't expect them to be flowering right now.
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    Is my shit flowering already???

    Hello, this is my 2nd bag seed grow. First time time I ended up with a male. This time I got 3 females (first time) . Forgot what strain it was that I found the seeds in. What I really want to know is if my plants are already flowering? The obvious is telling me that they aren't because...
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    King's Kush (Greenhouse seeds)

    if im not mistaken I came across some king kush bubble hash in the bay area and it was the one of the craziest highs ive ever had! i dont know if it's the same thing as the king's (with an apostrophe-s) kush that green house sells. but im assuming its got to be the same thing with a name like...
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    Blue Dream

    i picked up some blue dream the other day from a local source and they had said it was straight up fire. i took a bong rip when i got home and i was pretty lifted. ive been blazin some bomb hash lately, but the blue dream got me lovin it. last time i had some dank shit was when i picked up...
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    Is any of this true?

    this shit is dumb. a lil while back, i made a transition from blazin blunts all the time to hitting the bong. both gets me high as shit. blunt = whenever i wanna puff on something and get high as fuck. bong = whenever i wanna enjoy a smooth smoking experience and still get high as fuck...