Is my shit flowering already???

Hello, this is my 2nd bag seed grow. First time time I ended up with a male. This time I got 3 females (first time) . Forgot what strain it was that I found the seeds in. What I really want to know is if my plants are already flowering? The obvious is telling me that they aren't because they haven't been exposed to 12/12 yet. I noticed pistils beginning to grow bout 10 days ago, and I think they're just showin maturity. They are about 42 days old. I don't have my indoor setup yet and I plan on keeping them outside until I get all my shit together. However if they are beginning to flower, I would like to move them indoors before they stank up outside. Any insights or comments appreciated.



Well-Known Member
yes...they sure are beginning to flower....i would advise against takin her inside though, as your bound to introduce pest along with ur plant....good luck with your grow
A lil while ago I began to see a few pistils sprouting, with that general rule of thumb I knew they were female. The days are long here and I didn't expect them to be flowering right now.
Hello, thanks, I've seen a few pest problems forming on a several fan leafs, which I had removed once seen. Is there a way to neutralize any pest problems before bringing them indoors?

I've seen the white dots, and the dark colored worm like thing.