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  1. Bush Dr

    1st Grow ever!!! (Master Kush and Blue Mystic)

    Master Kush is a really easy plant to grow, nothing special, the stem even supports the cola
  2. Bush Dr

    Welcome aboard m8, how's the plants?

    Welcome aboard m8, how's the plants?
  3. Bush Dr

    Great White Shark... Is it a Winner?

    Greenhouse seeds Great White Shark was a bitter disappointment, threw the clones away You may be luckier, I hope so
  4. Bush Dr

    Ph problems - nft gro tank

    1ml will slowly bring the pH down, adding small amounts will gradually let you know how much to add, it sounds like 2ml will take you to nearly 6 .... A well calibrated pH pen will be more reliable than reagent testing ....... my Horticare is in it's 3rd year of daily use If there's nutes in...
  5. Bush Dr

    Help!! no buds showing

    How many weeks 12/12? Are you feeding any bloom nutes?
  6. Bush Dr

    Ph problems - nft gro tank

    You should be more careful, add 1ml at a time and get a pH meter ASAP