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  1. B

    First Grow - Trainwreck w/ SH Bubbleponics and Soil

    Sweet! My botanicare 3 packs came today. I got both the soil and hydro blends. Any suggestions for mixing nutes without a tds meter? I'm a little wary of teaspoons, especially as my teaspoon went through the food disposal and is now a dented and misshapen teaspoon :/ update - I mixed in...
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    First Grow - Trainwreck w/ SH Bubbleponics and Soil

    Ok so when I went to check on my girls today, the lights were out in the growroom. WTF. Nothing wrong with the timer, cause one rotation fixed it, or the breaker, cause air and water pumps were on. Any idea what could have caused this? I threw another "on" thing on the timer, right after the...
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    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    Hmm, that sounds about right. I took a couple quick pictures just to help clarify. Oh, and my circuit panel is 2 floors below, in the garage :? Am I in great danger of fire if I don't fix this soon, or can it wait until I'm at home depot next, probably within a week or two?
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    First Grow - Trainwreck w/ SH Bubbleponics and Soil

    Ok thanks i'll check em out next time i'm at the big box. Here's a few shots of the grow room and some shots of the plants. enjoy!
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    SIMPSONSAMPSONs soon-to-be-but-not-quite-there-but-will-be-soon 4000w journal

    Huh. I guess there are just other non-HO U shaped fluorescents for other applications. holy shit though! 500 bucks for a 4 lamp ballast? sweet jebus. Maybe i'll move up after my first crop sells. Do you think 216w of T5s would be enough to flower well, or would doubling up to 432w be...
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    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    Hey I'm a total newb, both to growing and electronics, and I just noticed a potentially big problem. I'm growing in my attic, and currently I have everything (water pump, air pump, timer w/3 way adapter going to 2 t5s and 2 cfls) plugged in to one surge protector. Ordinarily I wouldn't be too...
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    SIMPSONSAMPSONs soon-to-be-but-not-quite-there-but-will-be-soon 4000w journal

    Oh, ok, I think i've seen that kind in home depot. I might have to get a couple of those to supplement my t5s. Where'd you find your fixtures?
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    SIMPSONSAMPSONs soon-to-be-but-not-quite-there-but-will-be-soon 4000w journal

    wait let me get this straight - you're getting those nugs from JUST T5 fluoros? here i was thinking t5's wouldn't be enough to flower with - good goin brah
  9. B

    seed with highest thc%?

    word to that bro, Jack is my all time favorite I think - i wish i could get a good cutting here in atlanta! and I'm already growing trainwreck from seed, so tells you how much i dig that one :bigjoint: How does the alaskan ice compare?
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    First Grow - Trainwreck w/ SH Bubbleponics and Soil

    Whoops here's the rest of the pics.
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    First Grow - Trainwreck w/ SH Bubbleponics and Soil

    Thanks for stopping by! I gotta say, you've already helped me a lot roseman, thanks for all the info you've posted. I set up the bubbleponics and set the beans in the unplasticked rockwools, with the pump going right into the rockwool, on 5-22. As per your advise, I didn't soak the rockwools...
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    First Grow - Trainwreck w/ SH Bubbleponics and Soil

    My bubbleponics kit came yesterday! Everything is cool except the water stone is a bar instead of a disk, and it came with crappy ungrounded extensions that don't even fit anything else in the kit. I also found my camera charger so hopefully I can start keeping picture records.
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    First Grow - Trainwreck w/ SH Bubbleponics and Soil

    I ordered the botanicare 3 packs today, only to find out that 2 of the 3 things are the same in soil and hydro, only the bloom is different. Ooooh well can't' have too many nutes. Oh, and I think my partner in crime might actually have an ec/tds meter for his pool that we can use. pics sooooon
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    First Grow - Trainwreck w/ SH Bubbleponics and Soil

    Do you think 8oz each of pureblend pro grow, bloom, and liquid karma will be enough for one season in a bubbleponics kit? What about the same size, but for soil? Enough for a whole season? Thanks!
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    First Grow - Trainwreck w/ SH Bubbleponics and Soil

    Hey everyone! I haven't posted much but I've been reading pages and pages a day, and a few weeks ago decided to make some purchases to get my first grow started. I decided to go with a 4x4x6.5' tent off ebay ($125), a pair of 4' two lamp T5 fluorescent fixtures ($50 each), two cfls and...
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    Stealth Hydro....Unreliable Co.??

    Damn wish I had read this yesterday before ordering my stealth kit!
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    Coco Growers Unite!

    Would croutons work in a SH bubbleponics system as a straight replacement for the hydroton?