SIMPSONSAMPSONs soon-to-be-but-not-quite-there-but-will-be-soon 4000w journal


Well-Known Member
ohhh i feel u i jsut got done movn hella shit..and setin up a seperate veg are in the garage..its pinn..but itll work better than the closet...As for ur floro's i dont think theyll stretch at all with a 2 or 4ft floro a bit..especially if u put buckets under the dixie cups making sure to keep them no more than 2in from the florescent. Glad to see u got going..dude i saved like 8 of those blues..and i put them in a seperate envelope from next to my laptop by my desk..2day i go to plant them..and my dumbass let the envelope slide off the desk..and now theres only 4 seeds..oh well.. i planted them and 15 random p kush seeds..that arent fem..:peace:

well i think i am going to start getting things ready tonight... i have to do a little bit of cleaning and straightening up in the grow room before i can germinate... so i think ill smoke and then go start doing that... if i get this all timed right i can have my seedlings ready to veg as soon as harvest is done... plus i can get cuttings from the newly vegging plants, root, and force flower them so i can pull males before they flower... and if all goes perfectly they will be the first batch to flower under the HPS setup... damn its gonna be a busy month....

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
im a cheapbasterd i spent very very very little on my setup as youall can see. now however if i were to live in a hotter climate im sure i would be right up there in cost too. OR NOT. LOL
Im right there with you on that, my setup is cheap and basic aswell. I still got my ballasts sitting on the floor next to my pots because I still havnt bothered to get some shelves for them and its been about 2 years now lol but I guess im just being both cheap and lazy bongsmilie hahaha


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Im right there with you on that, my setup is cheap and basic aswell. I still got my ballasts sitting on the floor next to my pots because I still havnt bothered to get some shelves for them and its been about 2 years now lol but I guess im just being both cheap and lazy bongsmilie hahaha
ya me too. but i like how the heat from the 1000wtt hps ballast drys out the soil in the pots quiker. my next setup im going to put the ballast in between the 6 pots in hope this will help dry out the soil a bit fast. :hump: not sure if many now this but youreally need a soil temp of 60 degrees and highter for growing.

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
ya me too. but i like how the heat from the 1000wtt hps ballast drys out the soil in the pots quiker. my next setup im going to put the ballast in between the 6 pots in hope this will help dry out the soil a bit fast. :hump: not sure if many now this but youreally need a soil temp of 60 degrees and highter for growing.
Thats interesting info to know. Do you know if that applies to coco aswell? Ive never checked my medium temps before. Interesting idea of putting them closer to the pots aswell, many people have said to me that im crazy for leaving my ballasts on the floor incase water gets onto them but im say whats the problem coz I only water my plants and not my floor.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Thats interesting info to know. Do you know if that applies to coco aswell? Ive never checked my medium temps before. Interesting idea of putting them closer to the pots aswell, many people have said to me that im crazy for leaving my ballasts on the floor incase water gets onto them but im say whats the problem coz I only water my plants and not my floor.
shitwhen i mist itloks like it had rained in there water hitting my bulb ssssssssssssss hahaha and my ballast just as wet as can be. well just for a minute the heat dryes it that fast. as for coco i don't no sorry.
thanks for the tip bro.. ill check for this... got a few hydro stores fairly close i can go to...



so i feel like a complete dumb ass... the shit i have im using is KOOLBLOOM not KA BLOOM... yeah... im an idiot... i have a couple pics of it so you can check it out and see what you think... let me know!!

also got some new pics.. i couldnt wait for my buddies camera.. lol ill get it though to get some good close ups... the trich production is sick.. im just still blown away how well these girls are doing even though they are root bound.... should give you plenty of hope for your root bound clones MYGIRLS.. bongsmilie

i know some of the plants show signs of nute burn... remember there are multiple plants in each pot.. so not every girl will use nutes the same... i feed them about 1/2 to 3/4 strength nutes so i can minimize nute burn... but i still get a lil bit...

wait let me get this straight - you're getting those nugs from JUST T5 fluoros? here i was thinking t5's wouldn't be enough to flower with - good goin brah


Well-Known Member
ohhh i feel u i jsut got done movn hella shit..and setin up a seperate veg are in the garage..its pinn..but itll work better than the closet...As for ur floro's i dont think theyll stretch at all with a 2 or 4ft floro a bit..especially if u put buckets under the dixie cups making sure to keep them no more than 2in from the florescent. Glad to see u got going..dude i saved like 8 of those blues..and i put them in a seperate envelope from next to my laptop by my desk..2day i go to plant them..and my dumbass let the envelope slide off the desk..and now theres only 4 seeds..oh well.. i planted them and 15 random p kush seeds..that arent fem..:peace:
i actually just got home from doing some shopping.. had to get a fan and some cups and got a stepping stool to make my life easier... oh and new floros for the clone room.... so germing will definatly start over the next 2 to 3 days...
i modified my room a little to help limit the stretching... i still have the 2 - 4ft shop lights on the wall mounted horizontally... but i also have a 3rd shop light i managed to suspend in air also... so there will be side lighting and top lighting... i just might have to do some rotating of the cups if any start bending towards light in an odd manor...
that sucks about the seeds... specially good ones like those.... i try to keep mine in baggies just for that reason... and even then i lose them.. at least you got the 4 down... plus you have those kush... so hopefully they turn out to be a lotta girls... are you going to force flower any cuttings to sex early??
and i agree a seperate veg room is better than a closet.. more space for sure..

wait let me get this straight - you're getting those nugs from JUST T5 fluoros? here i was thinking t5's wouldn't be enough to flower with - good goin brah
thanks for checking out the journal BASS... they floros im using arent t5's... they are tt105's... its a compact floro bulb thats in a big U shape... there are 4 in each ballast... and they put off 11,000 lumens a bulb, so the ballast puts off 44,000 total... they flower as well as 400w hps lamps... i still want to get HPS lights to flower with because 1000w hps bulbs cant be beat for intensity... but if they ever figure out how to make a 1000w floro like i have i would be all over them...

thanks for the compliments on the buds... the girls like the ego boost... :lol:


Well-Known Member
hell yes...on the kush seeds im def gunna take cuttings the moment they have any branchin..and ill throw them in dixie cup in my flower room and change water daily..this worked for me..w/out any rooting fairly quick.. ya temps way better for my lil clones in the g. arage. i knew i wuz gonna do something retarded w/ my seeds when i didnt put the tape back over and learn.
Oh, ok, I think i've seen that kind in home depot. I might have to get a couple of those to supplement my t5s. Where'd you find your fixtures?


Well-Known Member
i got my fingers crossed fer yer harvest allowing you to buy those (4) 1k burners ur lookin at.

grow on brotha.


Well-Known Member
hell yes...on the kush seeds im def gunna take cuttings the moment they have any branchin..and ill throw them in dixie cup in my flower room and change water daily..this worked for me..w/out any rooting fairly quick.. ya temps way better for my lil clones in the g. arage. i knew i wuz gonna do something retarded w/ my seeds when i didnt put the tape back over and learn.
shit happens like that all the time to me... like the seeds did to you... the other day i knocked over my frisbee with all my broken up bud on it... the dogs liked it... i dunno.. i chalk it up to being a stoner.. not that it helps the stereo type... but i am comfortable with it... :)

Oh, ok, I think i've seen that kind in home depot. I might have to get a couple of those to supplement my t5s. Where'd you find your fixtures?
they definatly dont sell them at home depot... if they did i would be so pissed i spend 6 hours getting them when i started growing instead of 20 minutes at HD... the only place ive seen them sold so far is at wormsway hydro store... there are only 6 stores (indiana, florida, massachusettes, kentucky, missouri, and tennesse), so unless you are lucky enough to live there you'll have to order online... they are more than worth the money... especially for the average grower... but just wont cut it for what i want to do to my room.. as i said.. they are 420w ballasts... so one will do the job of a 400w hps... with 1/2 the heat.. plus the ability to get them as close as standard floros... they come with veg and bloom bulbs... like i said just really good lights... ill post some pics of the bulbs and ballasts later today so you can check them out...

i got my fingers crossed fer yer harvest allowing you to buy those (4) 1k burners ur lookin at.

grow on brotha.
hows it going DG? thanks for dropping by.. i have my fingers, toes, legs, and arms crossed hoping.. will be amazing once i get them up...
thanks for the extra luck.. i could use it all i can get...


i normally do my updates in the morning.. but im going to end up doing it later.. i have a lotta little work to do, pictures to take and load, seeds to start germing and marking... so knowing this i better get going........................... but ill prolly wait for a few hours... but itll get done today...


Well-Known Member
5/25 day 39

so i just spent a few hours with the girls... it sucks that their watering schedules are off now.. it means i am watering at least one or two pots every day now... which isnt bad.. it was just nice doing them all at once and being done for a couple days...

i also cleaned up a little on the soon to be flowering side... and all around really... wanted to take better pics of the entire setup but was embarassed by the clutter..

got the germ room set up and ready... gonna soak the seeds tonight and throw them in rockwool cubes tomorrow.. im a little worried tho... the floros on the wall are not coming on... i know the circut is good because the fan and the suspended floros are ok... i am afraid that since my buddy had wires crossed, that when my can filter fan burnt up so did the ballasts... i have to figure that out soon.. but i have a few days....
to fix the problem i would have due to stretching i just used the mini shelf i had my nutes on as a tray stand.. it works perfect... so i figure i will have about a week or so before i need to worry about getting the other 2 floros running... i can just run off the one for now...

so first thing is first... my setup.. i had to mount the door to the room on the outside of the room because of the frame.. i did this so that the door opened opposite of the grow room "door"... basically to help with light leaks... i used black and white poly to make the "door" to the grow room.. it is attached solidly at the top of the frame, and if you are looking at it from the grow room, the right side of the frame as well.. the right side is velcro'd from pretty much top to bottom... works great as a seal and easy to open one handed...

i tried to take a couple pics of the wall that seperates the veg/flower rooms... i am going to modify it when i get the hps lights up still... but you can get the basic idea... it flexs a little with the wind movement.. but other than that its light proof from room to room, but super reflective in the room its in... when i end up installing the other lights im going to make a curtain/wall that goes in the front side of the flower room to close it off... it will be attached half way down each side solidly and the rest of it will be velcro.. gotta keep it easy to access for moving girls back and forth and tieing up branches and shit, but also a good light proof seal... cant beat velcro for this... the pics of the outlets are my 240v ones... and the top double duplex is just a 120v... more or less just to show how the electric is ran custom... will help keep cords out of the way and limit how far cords run... alltogether i have 4 - single 240v outles, 4 double duplexs, and one single duplex.. 80 amps of power... not including the circut that was already ran to that room... so i guess techinically i have closer to 100 amps running to that room... the a/c is in a window that is hella sealed for light and air leaks... but its nice not having to deal with the heat...

the can filter is going to move.. it will be in a small closet to the left of the main door to the room... that closet backs up to the clone room so the plan is to run my hid from the flower room, cut a hole in the wall, and exhaust into that closet, where the can filter can clean the air and exhaust it into my house... itll help on heat in the winter... and i dont have central air so its not like it can make it any hotter in the summer...

oh.. and btw... the grow room is like another climate all together.. it does not get affected by how hot/cold my house or the outside is.. it is perfect...


took some pics of the hydro system i will be using... its an "ebb and gro" system... it came with the 55 gal res, two water pumps, 12 - 2 gallon pots, and the timer... the timer is the square bucket thing... basically you set the flood frequency and duration and thats it... the pots are actually 2 seperate pots.. one has drainholes and the other is solid.... i dont feel i need to explain how an ebb and flow system work... so i wont go into that... the ec meter i have is supposed to be the best available... doesnt ever need calibrated.. comes with a 5 year factory waranty.. and the store gave me 2 years on top of that... the ph meter is supposed to be a really good one to... it stays in the water which is nice... you prolly cant see the cord or electrode thing for it tho...

you can see how i set up the clone/germ/mother room... although it will prolly be more of just a germ/clone room.. i take my clones from the girls i have growing already when i do clone... maintaining a mother is just to much work.. for me its easier to strip a whole girl down for clones and then just takes clones off the clones as i need them... plus i dont need a shit load of clones to need a mother anyways...

the hangers i use for the floro in the clone room is kinda nice.. they hold 22 lbs a pair.. but are only about 4 ft long... which sucks.. cant use them in the veg or flower room.... wont go low enough in the veg room to be on the canopy... and aint no way in hell they are holding up hid lights with reflectors...

i think thats about it.. at least its some more pics to look at... sorta half assed the last "setup" pics...

and most importantly some more pics of the girls... they are getting there.. slowly but surely...

enjoy! bongsmilie


Huh. I guess there are just other non-HO U shaped fluorescents for other applications.
holy shit though! 500 bucks for a 4 lamp ballast? sweet jebus. Maybe i'll move up after my first crop sells. Do you think 216w of T5s would be enough to flower well, or would doubling up to 432w be equivalent (or even close) to the tt105s?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
hell ha brolooks great. i just cut a sample bud of the seeds i sent you. a few days and i'll give you heads up on the kind of high your going to be loooking at. i just can't place the smell right now, it willhit me and i'll let u no. again your grows looking awsome.