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  1. S

    need help

    than you racer :bigjoint:
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    need help

    Have;nt got it yet , didnt know if i needed a certain type of wire or plug i asked the grow shop assistant be he hadnt got a clue , so is it jsut an ordinary wire with a standard plug ? what amp plug would i need ?
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    need help

    Hiya all i just wondered if there was any one here who knows to wire a exhaust fan or if there are any RIU thread tutorials on how to i cant seem to find any. cheers all
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    Plant is cheisel day 16 of vegging PH is 6.8 in bio bizz soil no fertz , tempts are 80 humidity is 40% and there under a 250w cfl . the plant has seem to show this over night it was fine yesterday.:bigjoint:
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    Cheese Cheese And More Cheese Perpetual

    subscribed! i have Chiesel grow 250w cfl VEG a 600w HPS flowering , plus another grow Big buddha cheese , under 200w cfl and under 600 watt hps . glad to see another cheese fan !:bigjoint:'6 plants of each'
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    :bigjoint:i have a couple of questions regarding breeding. i notice a few forums people do 12/12 from seeds to harvest bud , but my question is ,could u do 12/12 from seed then once you have determined male and female of the diffrent mixture of strain seeds you have got let them 'sex'?. or...
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    What inline fan

    Thank you cheezy :bigjoint:
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    Mads first grow. Put on a pot of coffee this is gonna be a long one.

    Looking good , good luck with the grow :bigjoint:
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    What inline fan

    wow this really shouldnt be an issue , its standard physics , i know people are'nt smarter than some people but it really isnt hard to understnad this , if your exuasting air out it will cause a passive intake which will drag air in , odours wont escape the opening vent as the air is being...
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    Has my plant pre flowered

    . like i said first grow so everything is a new experience thats why i needed to ask , cheers all for the post helped alot and i have learnt somthing new :bigjoint:
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    Has my plant pre flowered

    great diagram thank you , helped alot .:bigjoint:
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    Has my plant pre flowered

    Never noticed that before , good eyes lol i will have a closer look on the plant but i think it jsut might be the camera and not actualy on the plant , at the moment its just them little hairs on it
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    Has my plant pre flowered

    has my BAGSEED pllant pre flowered ? or is this something else , as this is my first grow im still learnin. im growing femanized chiesel plants and they have the same markings , so im wondering if its female ?
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    What inline fan

    Ok , as for exhuast being taken out and not being brought in , make sure your intake hole vent grill what ever you decide is at least 3 times as big as your exhuast outlet, then you shouldnt have a problem with the amount of fresh air being brought in , secondly your carbon filter , its a good...
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    What inline fan

    if your exhuast fan is powerfull enough , you dont need a inlet fan ........its basic physics , if your drawing air out of a room aslong as there is a inlet vent it was cause a drag in which fresh air will be brought in . make sence ? as air goe's out , air comes in , just make sure your exuast...
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    First Grow Swiss Cheese!!!! two 18 yr olds

    going to subscribe to this grow , i have chiesel grow going on my self , im 2 weeks into veg , and a freind of mine is doing a big buddha cheese grow aswell , gotta love the cheeeeese<3
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    Chiesel First Grow

    Sorry all , been rather busy last few weeks , i have some update pics for you all day 14 of veg today no fertz yet , will start ferts with in the next week. things are going good so far
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    Fan Controllrt

    is there any disadvantages of plug in fan controllerrs compared to wired ones ?
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    Chiesel First Grow

    day 6 into vegging plants look good and healthy
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    bio bizz

    do you give them fertz ? if you do when transplanting do you jsut stil lcarry on with the same amount of ferts your feeding them ?