Has my plant pre flowered

could be just me but i see a white ball forming on the first pic... hopefully its not male.

Never noticed that before , good eyes lol i will have a closer look on the plant but i think it jsut might be the camera and not actualy on the plant , at the moment its just them little hairs on it

Dr. Indica

Active Member
The hairs you are talking about grow on every plant, the preflowers will show next to those growing right where the nodes are.....where the stem meets the branch, they will show on the lower nodes before the upper nodes. Here is a clear shot of a female preflower, just taken today.



Well-Known Member
Dr. Indica appears to have it right, the wee green spikey hair things, this is from another thread from ages ago but i found it pretty handy when i started (obv there shouldn't be both sexes on one plant unless you get a hermi);

you see the stipules, those spike shaped things on both the male and female sides of the diagram?


Active Member
Unless your plant looks anything like in the picture, it certainly isn't a girl. I could not tell from your pictures, if you've got a male. I think it's a bit early to say for sure.

