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  1. 062990dankie

    First Grow(pics)

    man! nice pics bro keep em coming! thats gonna be sum killer ass buds! keep up the good work and DONT harvest to early, be patient and let those buds get fat. cure them right too man! you got a great crop!! keep blazzzin brotha:joint:
  2. 062990dankie


    sorry guys i didnt tell you! there 9 days old..
  3. 062990dankie


    The wife fuckin busted my ass!! :neutral: thats the bitch about being married huh? well anyways guys i was forced to take my babies outside.. i need to know, after all my post.. Im here to say my plants have started to show some decent life! the one is starting to grow the second...
  4. 062990dankie

    What is wrong with my plant

    yeah i would start the flush now, agreed. but overall man your buds look good!! good luck on your harvest and cure, its always worth the wait. STAY HIGH!
  5. 062990dankie

    newbie light question.

    so ive posted a couple of times about my plants and the leaves changing colors and such, it was overwatering i transplanted them into bigger homes, i think they might be a little to big but thats okay. but anyways im at day 8 of my first grow now and they are streching and still only have the...
  6. 062990dankie

    first grow. im thinking i failed, help please?

    yeah i thought about that after i did, but no im not going to transplant them and risk just puttin to much stress on them, but now at least they wont have to be transplanted for a while. ok so i went out and i got a nice flouresent double light set with the warmer bathroom type lights. so im...
  7. 062990dankie

    first grow. im thinking i failed, help please?

    Well my little ones are now 7 days old.. i germinated 3 bagseeds, they sprouted nicely and i planted them in a 12oz dixie cups, 1 failed and 2 have come up nicely but i see all of these post about plants and at 7 days alot of you guys are already seeing 6 leaves at that point i had posted last...
  8. 062990dankie

    First Grow(pics)

    dude nice plants man! i now will be watching this grow very close im excited to see the buds your going to get your plant is looking awesome man!!!
  9. 062990dankie

    Can cold temps shock sprouts?

    the cold might have shocked them but depending on how big they are, it wouldnt really determine the sex yet, you can ultimately do that yourself evenetually. if you do it right. but yes colder climates with sun still and a decent temp and sometimes produce some purp buds! good luck my friend!
  10. 062990dankie

    First Grow, Im Nervous please helpp.

    yeah im gonna say it was the overwatering and the use on the MG soil, im gonna get right on the transplanting. for now tho there in my bedroom closet on the top shelf about a foot or two away from just a regular 60w light bulb.
  11. 062990dankie

    First Grow, Im Nervous please helpp.

    :confused:ok, so i germinated 3 seeds..i got them sprouted and planted them in dixie cups in a miricle grow soil watered them nice, they broke thru the top soil and are now about and inch tall, im on day 6 now and have watered a little everyday. now my question is this, my two oval leaves are...
  12. 062990dankie

    accidential outdoor grow

    keep the updates coming man! i like it! your plant looks great bro, your gonna get some real nice buds
  13. 062990dankie

    when will the plant flower when growing outdoors

    late* haha im dumbass is tooo stoned
  14. 062990dankie

    when will the plant flower when growing outdoors

    yeah i would say for most outdoor grows around the end of september if your patient enough to achieve high yeilds, then last sepetember is probably your best plan.