
The wife fuckin busted my ass!! :neutral: thats the bitch about being married huh? well anyways guys i was forced to take my babies outside.. i need to know somethings..now, after all my post.. Im here to say my plants have started to show some decent life! the one is starting to grow the second stem from the first node! the other one is showing the same as well. My question is that there only about 2 1/2 inches tall, and i have to keep them outside now(i have them outside in the back behind my shed, they're sitting in the open, a clear shot of the sun during the day) they're already in sufficent grow pots and i dont plan on putting them in the ground until there a little more thick in the stems, now im in wisconsin and the lows at night are still hittin the low 40's the sun shines starting to shine alot more everyday that goes by the highs are around 60's-70s, but on the other hand we are getting alot of rain!? do you think they can handle it? are my young lads are gonna be okay? do you think they'll keep growing? :confused: pleeeease help me out guys..i need it bad!! i dont wanna ruin them, its my first grow..even if they are males! were all stoners here, im gonna at least utalize them and make some hash!
any feedback is most appreciated! thank you guys, keep blazin..:joint:


Active Member
yeah i live in wisconsin too. and had plants outside from early april they got so water logged but r still alive and just fine


Well-Known Member
you are already stressing them out any way. i would be more concerned with someone seeing them. could you imagine how your bitch of a wife would react when the police show up