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  1. B

    My first grow! LA Confidential DWC

    I also posted in the "Marijuana Plant Problems" forum and there was a consensus that the problem was nute burn. I emptied my res and replaced it with 3 gallons of PH:6 adjusted tap water. I put in one gallon worth of nutes. hopefully she'll be looking better in a day or so. If anybody has...
  2. B

    edges of leaves turning yellow and curling up PICS

    Cool. thanks for the quick responses guys. I replaced the water with 3 gallons of ph:6 adjusted tap water and one gallon worth of nutes. My car is in the shop so I couldn't get a hold of DI water.
  3. B

    edges of leaves turning yellow and curling up PICS

    I have a new problem. The edges of my newer leaves are yellow and curling up. Check out the pic comparison. This is from yesterday And this is today Anybody know what the problem is? I've done some searching and think it might be a zinc defficiency. I wanted to get some expert input before...
  4. B

    My first grow! LA Confidential DWC

    No love I guess, but I'll keep posting. So I figured out my watering problem. I was way overwatering. I've switched to a drip system now that runs for 15 minutes every 3 hours. That seems to work perfectly. Now I have a new problem. The edges of my newer leaves are yellow and curling up...
  5. B

    My first grow! LA Confidential DWC

    Alright everybody This is my very first grow (and post). My buddy brought me a LA Confidential clone on sunday. My grow cab wasn't quite done at that point so I put her under cfls 24hrs a day in a red Dixie cup with rockwool and watered her with water that had been left out for a few days...