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  1. H

    White Widow - micro, LST, CFL, 55 days flowering. PICS

    Just wanted some feedback from all you great forum members out there. Here is the low down on my first closet grow: White Widow feminized (Green House Seed Co.) Veg Time: 14 days Flower Time: 56 days as of today (Dec. 29) Grown under ~220 watts of CFLs (8 bulbs 2700 spectrum, 2 bulbs 6500...
  2. H

    Friend and I grow to split up harvest?

    Yea I was kinda leanin towards that....he's a very close friend of mine and in the long run its not that big of a deal. 50 50 it is. Thanks guys.
  3. H

    Friend and I grow to split up harvest?

    Ok here is the deal. A friend and I are in a grow operation together. Very small. Here is how it went down: My partner bought a seed pack from some seed bank overseas. Got a dozen seeds (2 seeds of 6 different strains) for around $75 US dollars. He took a White Widow feminized seed from the...
  4. H

    Any reason NOT to LST?

    Now don't get me wrong, I'm a noob grower. But I see these great plants, from these great growers here on the board...and many of them look like tall christmas trees. Great buds, but why wouldnt you want to LST any plant you grow, and increase your yeild? It just seems to me that ifyou grow a...
  5. H

    My first grow and now, first HARVEST! PICS!

    UPDATE: That suspected bud rot turned out to be nothing, thankfully. Buds dried upside down for about 6 days, then the final trim and went into curing. As of today, they've been in the jar for about 2 weeks. great great smoke...super high. no couchlock. total dried weight: 1.67 oz. Not bad for a...
  6. H

    girls that chill with you only for your weed!

    I second that.
  7. H

    Anyone else DESPISE Bill O'reilly?

    e I can respect your right to be a conservative, but you would be a fool to think that Fox news, or the two loons you mentioned, are fair and balanced. They are INCREDIBLY right wing biased. They put spin on everything. I agree MSNBC does have a left bias. Saying O'reily is the no spin zone...
  8. H

    Anyone else DESPISE Bill O'reilly?

    As I'm sure 99.99% of you are aware of how right wing biased the Fox News channel is (aka Fox Noise). Sometimes I watch Bill O'reilly's "The O'reilly Factor" and I want to throw a brick through my TV (and I have a nice TV!!!). Anyone else hate this chickenshit d-bag?
  9. H

    girls that chill with you only for your weed!

    I'm a 26 y/o guy, and have been there done that. If they're hot, they're hot. For me, as long as I bagged my bugger, it's all good. Although having some experience, I can say it gets old fast. Not that your friend will stop anytime soon...but the older I got the less appealing it was to live...
  10. H

    Guys Buying Girls Drinks

    Yes it would bother most guys. If you buy the girl a drink and the two of you are hitting it off, and someone else comes up and butts in asking to buy her a drink? That second guy who butted in is an asshole. To me, if the girl accepts the drink offer from him, in my past exp, the girl and the...
  11. H

    Guys Buying Girls Drinks

    Buying a girl a drink at a bar. YES they are interested!!! Drinks are expensive at bars. Unless you're rich and can genuinely just buy someone an $8 cocktail just because you're in the mood, guys most certainly are interested.
  12. H

    My first grow and now, first HARVEST! PICS!

    I inspected that area closely, and it looked like a small pocket of purple leaf matter. I removed it, and examined just felt like a moist leaf, but purple-ish in color. any ideas? it hasnt gotten any worse in the last 48 hrs since its been harvested, if that is any clue.
  13. H

    My first grow and now, first HARVEST! PICS!

    thanks man that def puts my mind at ease. i will also be cutting all the branches off and hanging them separately. also, im gonna have more indirect air circulation. hows this sound?
  14. H

    it all starts with a gallon of gas

    THIS thread gets 1000+ posts? THIS??? This thread is the stupidest thread of them all cmon people get with the program.
  15. H

    My first grow and now, first HARVEST! PICS!

    heh I honestly was gettin a bit worried there! thats ok though, its easy to get paranoid. I'll keep an eye on it. maybe there's been a color change due to the drop in temp? been around 60deg at night. :?
  16. H

    My first grow and now, first HARVEST! PICS!

    yotopgun, thanks for your reply. If your referring to the purple spot I think you are, I am hoping thats just a characteristic of the bud....most of the other buds dont have any purple on them but a few look like a purple strain. what do you think?
  17. H

    My first grow and now, first HARVEST! PICS!

    Ok so here's the synopsis. these two outdoor bagseed plants were about 50 days into flowering. They had full sun all day during the summer, on a perfect north facing hill. I was gonna let them go another week, but I'm expecting to get all rain for the next few days and although it rained heavily...
  18. H

    heavy rain, 1 week before harvest. what to do? (vid)

    My outdoor crop is nearly ready...buds are huge and dense...nearly a week to go before they come down. However it rained heavily today and I'm worried the buds are gonna be saturated with water. What should I do, especially being so close to harvest? Below is a video of last night, before the...
  19. H

    Magenta hairs...temp? harvest? w/video

    I am rl friends with another forum member who posted pics of this same plant, yesterday. I uploaded a video (zipped avi, link below) with *decent* night time penlight shots of the buds (and strange neon purple hairs). The location is windy as you can hear. But the plant is about 7 weeks into...
  20. H

    Earliest time to start flowering?

    Hey all. I'm considering a PC case grow with 1 to 2 plants. Roughly 100 to 150 watts of cfl's, changing bulbs for appropriate plant state. My main question is this: I know all strains are different and some are meant to be flowered at a small hight, but generally speaking, when is the absolute...