My first grow and now, first HARVEST! PICS!

Ok so here's the synopsis. these two outdoor bagseed plants were about 50 days into flowering. They had full sun all day during the summer, on a perfect north facing hill. I was gonna let them go another week, but I'm expecting to get all rain for the next few days and although it rained heavily today, I had to pull them. Did not want to risk bud saturation and possible rot/mold. I realize that since I pulled them just hours after a day long rain, they will take a bit longer to dry but I've got it covered with multiple fans and will trim daily. Not sure how much I'm gonna get once its all dry, but it should be good. I'm thinking 1.5 - 2 oz. :mrgreen:

My main question now, is how to control the smell these two ladies produce. I am aware of a charcoal filter setup in a closed container, but will it work if I just put canisters of activated charcoal hanging next to the plants and around the room they're in? Does that work?

One is a purple strain of some kind, the other appears more white and snowy looking. In the shots of both, the lighter one in the foreground is the purple one, but this lighter appearance is due to the flash on my camera.

Any and all input suggestions are appreciated. Let me know what you think!!



Active Member
i think your probably looking at 3-4 ozers easy. i have one growing at similar size and she will probably produce 2 ozers. they look great. keep an eye on that dark spot on pic#4 around the top of the nug.
yotopgun, thanks for your reply. If your referring to the purple spot I think you are, I am hoping thats just a characteristic of the bud....most of the other buds dont have any purple on them but a few look like a purple strain. what do you think?


Active Member
yotopgun, thanks for your reply. If your referring to the purple spot I think you are, I am hoping thats just a characteristic of the bud....most of the other buds dont have any purple on them but a few look like a purple strain. what do you think?

its hard to tell. if it was a little closer with natural light and no flash i could see the true color and overall area better. im no pot dock. so dont let my words worry you. i am very noobish. just about done with my first grow. but i did do a lot of homework. if your new to growing i found these videos helpfull. they were made by high times.>
its hard to tell. if it was a little closer with natural light and no flash i could see the true color and overall area better. im no pot dock. so dont let my words worry you. i am very noobish. just about done with my first grow. but i did do a lot of homework. if your new to growing i found these videos helpfull. they were made by high times

heh I honestly was gettin a bit worried there! thats ok though, its easy to get paranoid. I'll keep an eye on it. maybe there's been a color change due to the drop in temp? been around 60deg at night. :?


Active Member
heh I honestly was gettin a bit worried there! thats ok though, its easy to get paranoid. I'll keep an eye on it. maybe there's been a color change due to the drop in temp? been around 60deg at night. :?
the color change is dew to the temp drop. i live in new england and towards the end of the season when it gets colder i can see some of the colors in the plant start to change. if that helps u out any.

keep smokinbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
If you want them to dry faster separate the individual buds from the big colas. Don't have a fan blowing directly on them, either. You don't want them drying out too fast.
the color change is dew to the temp drop. i live in new england and towards the end of the season when it gets colder i can see some of the colors in the plant start to change. if that helps u out any.

keep smokinbongsmilie

thanks man that def puts my mind at ease. i will also be cutting all the branches off and hanging them separately. also, im gonna have more indirect air circulation. hows this sound?


Well-Known Member
i'm guessing 1.5, looks like you got a bud worm in the top of one of the main cola's, also kinda looks like you shoulda left them out a week or two more, they look great, but a week of rain wont rot any but the thickest tightest buds out there, bud rot usually takes longer than that and completely moist conditions in between. if they dry between rains they wont have problems.


Well-Known Member
very nice grow . i think ure looken at bout 4 zipps . i wood suggust next year topping on tha, say 5th node 2 get multiple top buds , looken good !!!


Active Member
i agree on the low temp causing colour change. i'm further north in canada and we end up getting crazy ass colours in our plants.
good suggestion by pinkjackyle as well.


Active Member
give them time to dry so they get all that tasty thc and resin into the buds. alot of people who buy the buds like nice resin'd up bowls and bongs so just let them take there time to dry
Just seems strange that only that little part would turn purple. Looks like rot from my house, though it is not totally clear from the pic.

I inspected that area closely, and it looked like a small pocket of purple leaf matter. I removed it, and examined just felt like a moist leaf, but purple-ish in color. any ideas? it hasnt gotten any worse in the last 48 hrs since its been harvested, if that is any clue.

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
If it's only purple no worries. It was hard to tell from the pic. I was out all day today picking mold and trimming. nothing worse than grabbing a cola and having it fall apart in your hands.