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  1. S

    First Ever CFL Grow Help Greatly Appreciated

    So that I can transfer the pics i took on my digital camera of my plants and setup to my comp =)
  2. S

    First Ever CFL Grow Help Greatly Appreciated

    Yea I am building a board to go across the top of my closet I am going to mount the lights on Quick question should I transplant to new soil if so how often and when
  3. S

    CFL At Its Finest

    Man mine are all about the same size. Have you sexed em yet or are they fem'd? I am waiting to sex mine. how old r they? setup is similar but no reflectors in mine im looking for some space blanket
  4. S

    First Ever CFL Grow Help Greatly Appreciated

    I added some more lights last night now my setup consists of the following 2- 42/200w 72k cfls 4- 26/100w 65k cfls 2 of which are in light hoods on either side 4- plants unknown strain 23 days old in 8 inch pots I am using mg potting soil I water pretty much when I think they need it I will...
  5. S

    First Ever CFL Grow Help Greatly Appreciated

    yea i have one fixture like the ones you have with the two 200w bulbs off one socket with a splitter. and then the 2 other lights i have are clamp hoods with a 100w in each. damn i gotta find my usb so i can put these pics up
  6. S

    First Ever CFL Grow Help Greatly Appreciated

    right on right on. I will have pics tomorrow then u can see how that look at least I do not water if it is still moist when i stick my finger down in the soil no burns that i can see. I am a newbie like i said first time they look great in my opinion I cant wait to get the pics up!
  7. S

    First Ever CFL Grow Help Greatly Appreciated

    so 4 lights two 200's and 2 100's isnt enough i haven't sexed them so honestly im hoping to be able to pull out 1 or 2 i have 2 more 200 watt cfls that are 27k's i was gonna add when i start flowering
  8. S

    First Ever CFL Grow Help Greatly Appreciated

    oh yea i water every other day with rain water i collected that has been sitting and i add this all purpose plant food by shultz i also spray them every once in a while lightly.. pics will be up tomorrow
  9. S

    First Ever CFL Grow Help Greatly Appreciated

    First Ever grow have 2.8x2.8ft closet with 2 42w/200w CFL's 65k and 2 100w CFL's 55k. They are in mg potting soil. All four plants are in 18-6 light cycle they are 22 days old. Will have pics tomorrow
  10. S

    First CFL Grow Pics to come

    Hey whats up people...I just started growing a week ago my pics will be up tomorrow.. I have 4 plants going with three 26/100w cfl's buying more lights this week... each plant is in its own pot in a 2.5 x 2.5 x 5 foot closet painted flat white with a little bit of aluminum in there covering the...
  11. S

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey Everyone I Have just started out about 5 days ago i Have 4 plants in average size planters all about 2-5 inches tall with the first set of leaves they are all starting there second set of leaves. I have been using scotts potting soil and some all purpose plant food.. they are in a 2x2x4.5ft...