First Ever CFL Grow Help Greatly Appreciated

First Ever grow have 2.8x2.8ft closet with 2 42w/200w CFL's 65k and 2 100w CFL's 55k. They are in mg potting soil. All four plants are in 18-6 light cycle they are 22 days old. Will have pics tomorrow


Active Member
i can tell you know you dont have enough lights my friend you will need ato add more if your gonna have much luck
oh yea i water every other day with rain water i collected that has been sitting and i add this all purpose plant food by shultz i also spray them every once in a while lightly.. pics will be up tomorrow
so 4 lights two 200's and 2 100's isnt enough i haven't sexed them so honestly im hoping to be able to pull out 1 or 2 i have 2 more 200 watt cfls that are 27k's i was gonna add when i start flowering


Active Member
also be carefull not to overwater as that will hurt you more than help you if your using the mg soil that feeds dont add nutes for at least three months bro as that will cause you to burn them up. i only water when the soil is dry to at least the second nuckle on my finger which is about every 4 days right now.


Well-Known Member
welp, constructive critisism....first, MG was a bad choice, u will need to watch urself with that, also do not water all the time, check an inch into the top of the soil, if it feels moist, dont water, if its dry, water, second, get some mylar ( i use a space blanket, 3$) third. ya u need more lites.
right on right on. I will have pics tomorrow then u can see how that look at least I do not water if it is still moist when i stick my finger down in the soil no burns that i can see. I am a newbie like i said first time they look great in my opinion I cant wait to get the pics up!


Active Member
hey smart take a look at the grow in my sig i only have water these twice since they sprouted and im using only two cfls with a home made hood two 23 watters but i know it will be in no way enough to flower. the cabinet in the first pics is where most of the veg will take place once i get my seeds from attitude this grow was just something to fuck with in the mean time


Well-Known Member
so 4 lights two 200's and 2 100's isnt enough i haven't sexed them so honestly im hoping to be able to pull out 1 or 2 i have 2 more 200 watt cfls that are 27k's i was gonna add when i start flowering
you could do 1 or 2 plants with what you got now, adding the other 2 100w will be good for a decent harvest if not a great one, but get every bulb you possibley can on them, like i'd shoot for 1200w as final goal(im only at 726w myself) for insane flowering monsters. you can never have too much light, heat is a bitch though lol
yea i have one fixture like the ones you have with the two 200w bulbs off one socket with a splitter. and then the 2 other lights i have are clamp hoods with a 100w in each. damn i gotta find my usb so i can put these pics up
I added some more lights last night now my setup consists of the following
2- 42/200w 72k cfls
4- 26/100w 65k cfls 2 of which are in light hoods on either side
4- plants unknown strain 23 days old in 8 inch pots
I am using mg potting soil
I water pretty much when I think they need it
I will have pics up soon as i can find my Usb cable
any suggestions?
Yea I am building a board to go across the top of my closet I am going to mount the lights on
Quick question should I transplant to new soil if so how often and when