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    NEED HELP Neville's Haze is it time???

    i think about 3 months...cant wait till this baby done, ive been waiting forever.
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    NEED HELP Neville's Haze is it time???

    Thanks for all the help!
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    NEED HELP Neville's Haze is it time???

    Need help first time grower Neville's haze need to know how much longer before harvest time, any advice would be appreciated!
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    Need help don't know if it's nutrient burn or deficiency

    i think the plant may need bigger holes at the bottom, it just has two little holes for run off...guess it's not enough
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    Need help don't know if it's nutrient burn or deficiency

    and the plant is 1 month and a half old
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    Need help don't know if it's nutrient burn or deficiency

    when i was using MG it was good, the it just turned on me. i also put the plants under light 24/7 could that be the reason. i did put it back on 18/6 cycle
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    Need help don't know if it's nutrient burn or deficiency

    I was using miracle grow fertilizer then changed to fox farm, in between i was using straight water...
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    Need help don't know if it's nutrient burn or deficiency

    Hi, I got a couple plants that are turning yellow and drying up. Temp is usually 85 and humidity is 45-55. I use fox farm trio pack. please help! i put some attachment of pics. thanks!