Need help don't know if it's nutrient burn or deficiency

Hi, I got a couple plants that are turning yellow and drying up. Temp is usually 85 and humidity is 45-55. I use fox farm trio pack. please help! i put some attachment of pics. thanks!



Well-Known Member
Strange looking problem. Have you checked your ph? And are you feeding yet, or using straight water?


Well-Known Member
usually, you don't need to feed a plant so young, soil should provide enough nutes
i think the MG may have burnt the plant edges, it's got a reputation for doing that on seedlings
you probably want to back off on the nutes for the moment, a gentle flush with pure water may help
also depends on your soil, if it has fertilizer in it, it makes the situation worse, too 'hot' for a seedling
when i was using MG it was good, the it just turned on me. i also put the plants under light 24/7 could that be the reason. i did put it back on 18/6 cycle


Well-Known Member
24/7 shouldn't cause this. really looks like a ph/nute burn.
when you water, do you get enough outflow?
after 6 weeks it's possible for salts to build up in the pot if some light flushing isn't done. plant looks fine until the salt build begins to poison it.


Well-Known Member
that's pretty likely the culprit, watch you new growth for changes, if things are improving, the new growth will show it 1st