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  1. GreenHouzEffekt

    My first Organic Grow, Jilly Bean, The Purps under 400w

    Beautiful plants! Man those have such nice dark green and frosted leaves, those white hairs look like static electricity flowing off. Shweeet. Hella nice set up to, Getting 4 feet vertical indoor I'd say is good, considering i'm vertically challenged in my condo haha. Plus stealth. Keep up the...
  2. GreenHouzEffekt

    A Present for the DWC club - DWC vs Soil

    Beeyootifull haha. I love using Deep Water Culture, it makes me feel more...healthy? I guess you could say. What a great comparison though, really convincing, that oxygen boost makes for the greenest plants haha I love it. My friend has some L.A Confidential growing in DWC right now, and some...
  3. GreenHouzEffekt

    hunters near the crop.

    Here in California we don't have that problem :D But after reading through what you said, I would definitely try to stay away from the crop unless you feel like you really need to get out there. Some people, are loyal to the grow, and spite people in the area, they'll continue to work there...
  4. GreenHouzEffekt

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Yea dude the first high is always the best high. It's almost euphoric sometimes feeling the high slowly creepy up on you, that feeling in your eyes....Man I love weed.
  5. GreenHouzEffekt

    Safe grow states?

    I love living in Cali. Nothing beats it. The weather, girls, cars, herb, the parties...amazing stuff. Perfect for growing. Cops are actually cool in my area as a matturuhfakt. Got pulled over a few days ago with an 8th and an edible, made me stomp out both and I got to go free.
  6. GreenHouzEffekt

    DWC pH Help

    :joint::confused: I have my plans layed out and everything but my only concern that I kinda don't understand is the pH. I understand that the resevoir should be around 5.5-6.4, But how do I keep the pH level even? Do you add water, nutrients AND stuff to keep the pH balanced? If so, can someone...
  7. GreenHouzEffekt

    Stoner Pets???

    Not really sure if this thread exists or not. Anybody got any stoner pets? What are there names? Any funny stories? A few minutes ago the new dog my parents got, Kali [After California], saw a nug on my bed and she picked it up and ran. Shes a five month old Mini Australian Shephard haha...
  8. GreenHouzEffekt

    Parents and Chronic

    Haha I was just thinking about this a while ago. I knew my mom smoked for a few years now, but I never really knew for proof until this year. We went on a vacation to Tahoe and she brought up weed and we smoked together 3 out of the 5 days and it was hella funny stuff. Even like two weeks ago...
  9. GreenHouzEffekt

    Juss read it

    It should make a dent in the temperature for sure, But what yhe fan needs to do is clear out the hot air and bring fresh air in, so make sure it does that. I think what you should look into is a Timer for your light. Choosing your light cycle is very important if you haven't chose it already...
  10. GreenHouzEffekt

    Dutch Passion - Blueberry & Strawb Cough Fem'd

    I've read alotta threads on SC and BB. They seem like good strains for the most part, spite the hermy part. But maybe you should try something new? The road not taken? Maybe be the first to grow with some strains that not to many people know about? That's what I was thinking a few days ago. I...
  11. GreenHouzEffekt

    Dwc Grow Club

    Good to know! One more question, What are some average, not to pricey Nutrients I can pick up? I've searched through thread after thread after thread and I haven't found a good answer. I'm aware of there being tons of different nutrients, but from one future DWC Grower to some skilled DWC...
  12. GreenHouzEffekt

    Dwc Grow Club

    With DWC, Do the roots have to be grown in nutrients? Like is it mandatory that they grow in the nutrients because theres no soil or something? Or can they be grown in the water regularly and still be fine? Don't nag on me if this question is dumb, just been on my mind the last two days. :)
  13. GreenHouzEffekt

    what drug and how many times?

    Haha agreed. I used to sell E in high school, probably taken over 400 so far. I got into testing kits through a friend (I'm pretty sure they save lives sometimes lol) Weed - Everyday Alcohol - Just recently cut down after 3 weeks of drinking everyday[College rocks]. Ecstasy - 400+ Shrooms -...
  14. GreenHouzEffekt

    Anyone In California Have Higher Limits Than The Default 6/12?

    Interesting indeed. He has showed me his card before, and it really does look different from other peoples cards. Even though its only for people in Oakland, CA, if you know where Cool, CA is, it's no where near the Bay Area haha. I'm with this kid almost every week at least 2-3 times a week to...
  15. GreenHouzEffekt

    Anyone In California Have Higher Limits Than The Default 6/12?

    SR-71! I'm currently living in Northern Cali [Hail the Pot Gods of NorCal], and my friend recently got his card. Now, He lives in a town called "Cool" about 30min passed the Sacramento Suburbs. The Sr-71 cannabis card is for people that ONLY live in Oakland (Or so I think....). Where i'm from...
  16. GreenHouzEffekt

    Cannabis Card Appointment, My Reason.

    So I have my appointment coming up this month finally! (I'm not starting my project illegally). So my reason being for the choice of medicinal marijuana is Insomnia, Is this a legit reason? I've heard it is, but I haven't heard of anyone using it in the Doc's office. My insomnia is so bad...
  17. GreenHouzEffekt

    Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)

    What a magnificent set you have. If only I had the money haha. Your smoke is well worth the time you put into this, Good shit dude!
  18. GreenHouzEffekt

    First Grow Ever - 12/12 for 2 weeks now. Check out the pics

    Very Green! Very nice lookin plant my friend. That should look real nice during harvest time. Is it inside a closet? Whats the room set up like??
  19. GreenHouzEffekt

    WWMS Seed Choice, Anyone have experience with these strains?

    I'm looking into three different possible Indica strains to choose from but I'm not entirely sure yet which one I want to choose. They're going to be bought feminized. It's between Aurora Indica, Blue Mystic and Master Kush. I want something that isn't very tall, that will yield a good...
  20. GreenHouzEffekt

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    Well your system is looking very good. Nice looking plant to, Aero is a good way to go. I to am gonna put some lights on the side of my plants to get a little deeper