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  1. D

    NFT - help with roots

    Why would you want to move roots? using NFT as I am which is an awesome way to grow, the roots are suposed to over and undergrow the fiber mat. You only need to make sure of 2 things using NFT, PH+Nutes must be right, and pump must be running. Else you can sit back and wait for it to be...
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    9k first grow

    He hasnt posted for a while, I dont hope he got busted, way nice setup :)
  3. D

    plants yellowing from bottom up, brown spots. help please!

    what are your water like where you live? if its "hard" you probally need to add some ph down you shouldnt have issues w N defi that early in good soil anyways.
  4. D

    halogen lighting?

    HID>CFL>rest Edit: LED probally in some years gonna be the best
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    Noob with sick plant, how about some help please? (pics attached)

    The information you supply is pretty bad, my best guess is ph, whats the ph of that well water my guess would be its pretty high and you have nute lockout check the ph of well water and get some ph down if its too high as I suspect
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    Educated noob needs help NFT/Closet

    any other comments would be awesome?!?
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    Educated noob needs help NFT/Closet

    Yeah I have a fan on them stem is fine, I will flush them right away I thought so, stupid of me to fert them w N before I read up on this stuff. Hitting the showers :)
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    Educated noob needs help NFT/Closet

    Here goes: Reson for title is I have read alot before starting, but as I know newbies always make mistakes even despite the best research, so I will try to write my thoughts down here for the more experienced to critize. I have desided to grow my own grass, for various resons I needed a new...