Educated noob needs help NFT/Closet

Here goes:
Reson for title is I have read alot before starting, but as I know newbies always make mistakes even despite the best research, so I will try to write my thoughts down here for the more experienced to critize.
I have desided to grow my own grass, for various resons I needed a new hobbie and I dont like buying my dope on the street supporting I dont know what sort of people.

I have attached two pictures partly of my motherplants and of my closet growroom. First the facts:

600w HPS
2x60w LSP ( cool white, for max blue light )
Skunk #1 ( I know its old school but I really really like the taste )
These are setup on a digital timer with a relay to make sure the timer doesnt bust.
Some IKEA closet:
200cm height ( 150cm Max growing space ) x 135cm width x 60 depth
This is what you see in the growroom atm, air conditioning is sorted and fine. Same with humidityfier.

Bad english I know, its my 3rd language, please bear with me.
The motherplants when ready will be used for cloning, they are all female, by the way.

The cuttings, will be rooted in a coco base in a Propagator. These will then when probally rooted, be placed in a NFT Gro-Tank 1metre x 45cm aprox, sorry for the metric system, but its all I know.
And I will start them on a flowering 12/12 right away, as to avoid the plants getting to high, phun intended :).
I have thought about tying them down or topping them, but as this is my first grow I wanna keep it simple and fast.
What are you guys thoughts about this?
How long till I can take cuttings from the mothers on the picture?

For legal resons its very importent for me to keep below 500g or aprox a pound of dried weight, as I can deal with a fine.
Am I ok w this setup, doing 6 plants?
I have no intention of ever selling this so I dont want too much yeild max 100g a month.

Im kinda conserned that my mothers may have to much N in the soil, so im contemplation spraying the plants w wather as to making cloning easier, how often should this be done?

Basically what im asking for here are experienced NFT growers thoughts on my build and prep, and I want to make sure that I wont yeild to much.
I will probally have more questions later!
Thanks in advance for any help!



you should probably wait til your girl has 5 or 6 nodes before you take any cuttings. it does look like you have a little nute burn, you might want to flush them really good, then dont give them any nutes at all for 2 weeks, then just give them like a half dose every other week.
sounds like you have a pretty good setup though. do you have a fan on them? if not, you need to do that.:bigjoint:
Yeah I have a fan on them stem is fine, I will flush them right away I thought so, stupid of me to fert them w N before I read up on this stuff. Hitting the showers :)


hey dual. thats how i learned, trial and error, and a heck of a lot of reading on rollitup. but hell, every time you start a new grow, you'll be that much more experienced.