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  1. 7

    Growing In Canada-Ontario

    i would reccommend different strains if at all possible, last year my ww just started budding when the frosts came and i have yet to have a year where these strains(except big bud) have actually fully finished. The season here just isnt long enough for them. You could still do some but maybe...
  2. 7

    cross breeding a marijuana/tobacco plant?

    Johnnyorganic Watch the movie food inc. It has a case where the farmer was in the business of making seed grain and the neighbours Monsato's seeds pollinated his crop. He ending up getting sued and had to give in after alot of legal expenses becuase he couldnt afford to fight anymore. Very...
  3. 7

    Seeds opened but...

    If none of those suggestions helps, check your water source. I made the mistake of using tap water once and all the seeds would crack, grow a small amount and then die. Found out later our water has chlorine or something in it that was killing them.
  4. 7

    Need a new strain

    I tried white widow 2 years ago and it did alright in my area (had to chop a little early but it was still good stuff). But this year we had lots of early frosts and a screwed up year and my ww's only made it 2 weeks into flower before they died. So i dont think i'll do them outdoor again.
  5. 7

    Need a new strain

    Due to getting screwed by bud rot and strains that dont finsih on time, i started looking for a new strain. I came across mountain mist it says its suppose to be -bred for cooler climates or higher altitudes. -very fast finishing -withstand the cold, it's mold resistant and can withstand...
  6. 7

    question about starting early!

    ya i thought about that, but i'm not lookin to make them grow more, just need enough light to stop them from going into flowering. And alot of people say that are light leak in a grow area will stop them from flowering so i think it might work.
  7. 7

    question about starting early!

    Last year i started half of my crop indoors and put them out end of april and still had to cover them because of frosts. My problem was that they went into flowering for a couple weeks and then switched back. The second crop that i started end of may actually ended up getting taller and bigger...
  8. 7

    auto strains

    I had 2 lowryder 2's left that i created my myself and end of the story is they aren't germinating for some reason. Igrew 4 this summer that i was hoping to create more seeds with bu they turned out all female. So now i need to order more. I came across a site called marijuana-seeds-canada...
  9. 7

    Himalayan Gold or Great white Shark

    scouter0-----ya expanding is a good idea for sure, i think i'll also do a large amount of lowryder 2's as well. i had 4 females outside from seed this year and ended up with a big 1/2 o from all of them total haha so maybe if i put out 60 of them it might be worth while haha. As for the frost...
  10. 7

    Himalayan Gold or Great white Shark

    yep i think everyone in ontario got screwed this year, i had had some white widow, afgan and mazarXafgan cross. White widow was not even close to finishing (most of its still in the field dying actually), afgan had to cut 2 weeks early which wasnt to bad and the mazar cross actually finished by...
  11. 7

    Quick clone question

    everyone always says dont clone when in flowering but i took 2 off my outdoors this summer when they were 2 weeks in and it worked fine. Now i had 2 plants that were nearly killed by frost, only had a few buttom brances alive and they are 5 weeks into flowering. I cut them off and am tryin to...
  12. 7

    -7c anyone

    These are 7 ft bushes that just flowered late and its a stealth grow so that wouldnt be overly practical, I iwish i could though thanks
  13. 7

    -7c anyone

    Anyone ever had a plant make it through a low of -7 (29f), the two days after they are saying -5 and -4. I think it may be time to except that they arent going to finish and take what i have.... sad day lol
  14. 7

    2 Weeks away and next week is snow!

    haha i didnt but that is pretty sweet! Time for a smoke
  15. 7

    2 Weeks away and next week is snow!

    Did you have any problems with rot?
  16. 7

    2 Weeks away and next week is snow!

    So i got more frost again last night, I checked it out and it seemed alright but the entire week is a low of 32-30 and a high of not over 38. As i was checking it I found a bud that was starting to rot so i pulled it. Now i'm trying to decide its in week 7 of flowering (afgan). I'm leaning...
  17. 7

    Frost - let's find out!

    sounds good! My plants have gone through 3 frosts now and last night was a fairly heavy one so it will be interesting to see how it made out.
  18. 7

    2 Weeks away and next week is snow!

    Wow fast reply's haha, So problem with waiting is i'm gone away until next sat so i either chop on monday or wait. Freshgreen- My one that is the furthest behind is 7ft and completly purple i doubt it will make it but i'm hopin. I'm leaning more towards pushing it for a week and seeing then but...
  19. 7

    2 Weeks away and next week is snow!

    So, i harvested 2 girls last night (my smaller ones that flowered alot earlier) and guessing i got somewhere between 4 and 8 ounces lol. Anyways so i have another 6 ft Afgan that is 6 weeks into flowering, the buds are nicely formed and developed just not as big as they should be. So i was...
  20. 7

    Yes another flowering post!

    Mine isnt about when it will flower but if it will even have time to finish! I have 3 strains of white widow, afgan and a afganxmazar cross Most were started inside on april 1st and the last was june 15th First spot is 4 in a corn field 2 males have been chopped and left with 2 females...