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  1. Boricua Grower

    Hows she looking

    na theres no white spots on it
  2. Boricua Grower

    Hows she looking

    no i havent had spider mites wat can i do 2 fix her
  3. Boricua Grower

    Hows she looking

    I need a little advice i wanna know if their looking good or not
  4. Boricua Grower

    Miracle Grow

    I was wondering if i use miracle grow will it affect my plants positively or negatively or will it give it chemicals that will make the buds toxic?bongsmilie:bigjoint::weed::leaf:
  5. Boricua Grower

    How is she looking?

    I wanna know if shes looking good or not looking good at all.
  6. Boricua Grower

    Hey i was wondering where can i find sockets connect to the wall beacause i just went to the...

    Hey i was wondering where can i find sockets connect to the wall beacause i just went to the hardwear store and i bought 8 flurecent light but i didnt find the thing to connect them to the wall
  7. Boricua Grower

    100watt or a 13watt

    I was growing one with the one on the right but i put it in a secret grow box and left it there but it dryed it up quick because i didnt have an air filter so it died but know i have fixed the problem but i want my plants to grow faster. so ur saying i need 2 buy like 3 more flurecents?
  8. Boricua Grower

    100watt or a 13watt

    I really dont know witch light to use because i was reading about the type of light to use for seeds but i want them to grow quick so can experienced growers please help me!!!!! O and right now im useing the flurecent light (the one on the left) and i dont know if i should switch it to the...
  9. Boricua Grower

    How long does it take?

    damn from seed 2 smoke 4 months damn so i have 2 buy swag 4 the mean time den.
  10. Boricua Grower

    How long does it take?

    How long does it take for chronic seeds to grow?:bigjoint::leaf:
  11. Boricua Grower

    Black light??

    na keep useing a normal light but switch it to 12/12
  12. Boricua Grower


    yea i put 2 holes on both sides
  13. Boricua Grower


    I jus started growing my weed plant its about 2 weeks old and i wanted 2 know how meany times i should water it a day and how far i should set up a lamp 4 it
  14. Boricua Grower

    Growing Help

    Here are better pictures
  15. Boricua Grower

    Growing Help

    Thissss issssss harvest!!!
  16. Boricua Grower

    Growing Help

    yea why?
  17. Boricua Grower

    Growing Help

    so wat if i move it inside and give it 12/12 hours a day because some guy told me it will grow to about 6-8 inches if i give it 12/ hours of light and i dont want a giant weed tree i wan it to be 6-8 inches
  18. Boricua Grower

    Growing Help

    well its outside in da sun because my mom killed the other 1 i had inside wwith a 600w lamp
  19. Boricua Grower

    Growing Help

    Cuz right now i give it like 12 hours of light and its been growing 4 about 2 weeks
  20. Boricua Grower

    Growing Help

    How long do you think it will take to grow:confused: