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  1. R

    HELP...out of nowhere problem!

    LMFAO... i will try to be more clear with my posts in the future.... And my inspector gadget arms should be coming via FedEx by mid next week! Cant wait! I will give more updates tomorrow!
  2. R

    Couple questions...New Grower...PLEASE HELP

    haha thats pretty sweet that your mom will take care of them for you
  3. R

    HELP...out of nowhere problem! at WORK!!!!!!!!!!! this has all happened within the past few hours! lololol WTF am i supposed to do?!?!? Run home and go pick up the pot, and then come back to work? lol LOL, i have to do this stuff when i get home. Then tomorrow or later tonight i can post another...
  4. R

    HELP...out of nowhere problem!

    "this guy is a dummy(reader21), everyone telling him what to do and all he is doing is complaining about the problem. I say forget him and move on, maybe if he went into plant prob's and cure's he wouldnt look so stupid!!!! " Hey don't have to be an ASS......all i...
  5. R

    HELP...out of nowhere problem!

    I agree that i need to figure out the problem first. How exactly do i do that? - right after the flushing process, obviously the plants looked a little over watered...but after that first day, they all looked great. Then 5 days later...the 2 that looked "not so good" are now looking great...
  6. R

    HELP...out of nowhere problem!

    hmmmm ok...i'll a rookie so i'll take any advice.
  7. R

    HELP...out of nowhere problem!

    Ughhhhhhhhhhhh im so pissed...i was so excited after my flushing that everything has been going so well. Im 2 weeks into flowering and they look beautiful....minus that one plant with that one problem. lol EFFING hated! But w/e....i guess im just gonna have to here is my...
  8. R

    HELP...out of nowhere problem!

    Well i felt the soil....on the top its dry, and a couple inches down its still a little the look of the plant i would guess that it looks like its drowning! lol Thats why im scared to water. But i guess i need to do something. So i guess im just gonna water all 3 today, b/c i...
  9. R

    HELP...out of nowhere problem!

    The room is around 75 deg. And i dont know the humidity, but i dont think its 2 high. The other 2 are doing fine, thats why im so also really lost b/c this was the best one out of the 3, and then all of a sudden its droopy as F.
  10. R

    HELP...out of nowhere problem!

    Well i flushed them, b/c a couple plants were looking kinda shitty... 2 days after flush...they all looked absolutely amazing...the flush worked perfectly.....then all of a sudden....BOOM....i havent watered them in like 5 days since the flush b/c i didnt want to over water. Now i dont know...
  11. R

    HELP...out of nowhere problem!

  12. R

    HELP...out of nowhere problem! my "best plant" out of nowhere just decided to look like crap yesterday. I was out of town and had the roommate taking care of them. From one day to the next, she went from being full and all of a sudden every single leaf is drooping and it doesnt look pretty. Some1...
  13. R

    Anyone using Tap water with Good results?

    no problems....its all i use.
  14. R

    Smoking techniques

    Buy big bong > Pack .5 bowl > take in 1 hit = EXTREMELY EFFIN' STONED!
  15. R


    Just a quick update..... I flushed all my plants. The one that was almost dead, is aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive again! I wish i would have done this a while back, but at least its back on track now. I just hope it doesnt mess it up b/c its 2 weeks into flowering! I will try and take some...
  16. R


    I usually feed every few days....i give nutes one feed, and no nutes one feed....usually, depending on the look of the babies. I guess im gonna be looking for some plastic to put under the pots once i start this flushing.....(more missions) but its worth it if thats what needs to be done...
  17. R


    Exactly what i wanted to know....i just wasnt sure if i had to go ahead and put the holes in myself..........lemme ask you something you think i should just flush all of them to keep things clean? Or you think i should just flush that 1 plant that is giving me issues?
  18. R


    Can some1 post a direct link, or tell me how exactly to flush. I think one of my babies has some nute burn and i want to flush it. I have the 5 gallon buckets. (no holes)
  19. R

    seed site suggestions

    Here is my issue with some of these sites....I dont want them to be shipped to my "billing address or invoice address".....i want seperate shipping, "shipping address"......some of these sites force you to ship to the same place as your billing my case, thats NOT GOOD.... what do...
  20. R

    Smoking Resin

    Haha...drinking bong water! Hell no man! All that will do is make you throw up! Now as for the resin (the kind in your bowl), yeah ive done it before...ive gone through college and periods of being broke or dry! So yes, thats str8, it just tastes like ass and wont get you as high. NO BONG...