Smoking Resin


Active Member
It gets you high, but is it really THAT bad for you as everyone makes it out to be? Anyone ever have any medical problems related to resin hits?


Well-Known Member
Resin bad for you? surely you're not talking about hash, which is collected resin? or are you talking about smoking that tar that sticks to the inside of your pipe? (that's not resin - that's crap).


Well-Known Member
i concur, i smoke the gish out the bowls whenever i run out, and i don't have any worse health problems than a normal smoker does. gotta do something you know!


Well-Known Member
Ewwwww bong water is even worse lol. Why would you drink bong water? You can't get high from it

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
thc will not dissolve in water anyone who drinks bong water is retarded and should not breed and resin will get you high but its not a good high. what your smoking is tar mostly carcinagens etc.. i only vape now but i have had the displeasure of smoking resin and yes the lungs are more clogged the next day from its use. grow your own and you will never smoke resin again.


Haha...drinking bong water! Hell no man! All that will do is make you throw up!

Now as for the resin (the kind in your bowl), yeah ive done it before...ive gone through college and periods of being broke or dry! So yes, thats str8, it just tastes like ass and wont get you as high.



Sector 5 Moderator
If I were desperate enough to smoke the black crap left in the pipe or drink bong water, I would be checking myself into a rehab clinic. MJ is *NOT* addictive; don't pretend that it is!


Active Member
i smoked resin yesterday haha. we had no weed and we were smoking bowls of hash outta a bong, my buddy had sum chunks of resin he scaped out and put up on the shelf to dry from last weeks blaze sesh, he just dropped the resin chunks onto the hash cherry and we blazed that shit too haha

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
cannabis is addictive mentally very much so. it may not cause legitimate physical detox symptoms but it is addictive dont fool yourself.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
anything that causes a direct altered state of the mind is addictive. i have smoked cannabis for many years daily if i run out it affects my mood and ability to sleep for a few days anyone who is a heavy cannabis user is aware of this. its a very safe substance and does little harm it is highly addictive mentally though to varying degrees from person to person.


Active Member
anything that causes a direct altered state of the mind is addictive. i have smoked cannabis for many years daily if i run out it affects my mood and ability to sleep for a few days anyone who is a heavy cannabis user is aware of this. its a very safe substance and does little harm it is highly addictive mentally though to varying degrees from person to person.

yeah totally true. last year i went from smokin daily to quiting for a couple months, the first week i quit i always find hard. i cant stop thinking about bud, and im verry irritable lol!


Active Member
shit i scrape my bong bowl and stem when i don't have any weed and roll it in a ball and trow it back in there,or mix with weed its good as hell.