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  1. CanadianBacon

    help 50 nirvana swiss cheese seedlings ill!!!!

    well definatley do not add nutes at all plz i hate when ppl say add more nutes to a seedling DOESNT NEED NUTES. i would leave it for now if your using flourescent lower the light to about 1 inch from seedlings and keep the air a decent temp let them grow see what the second sprout looks like...
  2. CanadianBacon

    Please Help Find My Problem! Pics!

    could be nutes that are already in your soil OR your soil is lacking nitrogen.
  3. CanadianBacon

    Compounded problems?HEAT>NUTE BURN> PICS!

    looks like whatever soil you are using is giving the plant nute burn i have seen this before
  4. CanadianBacon


    simply switch the lighting back to 18 on 6 off although this could shock your plant into being hermaphrodite or male depending if u know the sex of the plant or not
  5. CanadianBacon

    First Time!!! White Widow Almost 3 Weeks Question?

    yea although i dont mind the longer flowering just because longer u can flower bigger the nugs will probably be but as of right now the smell of the plant is about 5x stronger then the original its really giving off the stink.
  6. CanadianBacon

    First Time!!! White Widow Almost 3 Weeks Question?

    Its Been Some Time I Crossed The Widow ANd This Is My New Creation Its Called Widow-X for now until i come up with a better name 3 weeks into bud
  7. CanadianBacon

    stem splitting+winkley plant

    yup you have nothing to worry about
  8. CanadianBacon

    Random burnt spots, Afghanica, HQ Pictures, HELP!

    by the looks of the leaves that were pruned off kinda looks like nute burn to me although in the one pic are those holes throught the leaves? if it is bugs is right
  9. CanadianBacon

    Unknown Problem Please Help

    miricle grow soil so im gunna go with nutrient burn those little plants require no nutrients once so ever
  10. CanadianBacon

    Anu one help me

    [get better lights and you need fans intake and exaust and you need to think about what kind of nutrient levels your soil is at
  11. CanadianBacon

    Random burnt spots, Afghanica, HQ Pictures, HELP!

    i had the same problem was almost like the air is too dry and its drying the leaves out they feel dry...... but i left the plants alone and when the new shoots grew no other leaves had this problem and they turned out fine just the 2 or 3 leaves had the problem so i pruned them off but i dont...
  12. CanadianBacon

    seedling slowww help me... cant figure out

    thats too much nutrients for sure just burnin those roots
  13. CanadianBacon

    clones wen 2 switch 12/12?

    8" 4 weeks wow that would be a waste why dont you wait until its at least 4 feet tall
  14. CanadianBacon


    hes obviously not gunna trim every fan leaf off his plant the huge fan leaves are basically useless during flowering they use up more energy then they make i trim my plants and ive never had a problem
  15. CanadianBacon

    omfg, can some1 help..

    lol time and different strains my friend they are all different
  16. CanadianBacon


    yea for sure its better to do this get more light on those buds
  17. CanadianBacon

    HELP plant problems!!!! rep+!

    could be nute burn or too much heat but those first leaves usually die and fall off anyways keep feeding water and wait im sure it will be fine
  18. CanadianBacon

    bud worms help!

    Neem oil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!