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  1. S

    95 degrees too hot? Why isn't my ventilation working better?

    95 is too hot. your fan would be sufficient for cooling your light IF you didn't have your carbon filter capping it off. bypass the tent with the light and get another fan to hook up to your carbon filter. the filter is reducing your airflow by over half i would guess. also are you running your...
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    Adjusta-wing vs air cooled hoods

    Adjust a wings are long as you can deal with the heat. every 1k watts is 4k btu's of heat that needs to be offset with cooling. Air cooled reflectors are great at removing up to half the heat generated with minimal light transmission loss (around 5% through the glass) as long as...
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    puzzled any input would help!!

    I agree with RL 420 the leaf looks leathery and a lil burnt both signs of over nuting. give it a good flush and check the ppm of the runoff.
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    root rot /slime question

    Too much stress of one kind or another will cause plants to hermie, it's kinda like a save the species kinda reaction a la Jurrasic Park. When i used to have similar problems in my dwc setup i would always do a good heavy dreanch with a light hydrogen peroxide solution (about half and half of...
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    Which of these two venting setups is best?

    bypass the room with your light and one extractor and have the other one venting your interior with the carbon filter.
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    Advanced nutrients boycott

    alot of their money goes towards marketing to make people think it's a great product. like so many other things if you hear it enough times you will believe it
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    F*** worldwide seeds!!!!!!!!!! Must read!!!!!!!

    Feminized seeds strike again. a 10 pack of regular seed will usually have 7/10 females a femized pack will have 9 with 2 hermie plants whats the difference anyways
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    How long for vegging

    it really depends on how many plants how many lights and your style of growing i would look into the different styles of growing and see which is going to work best from you and go from there.
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    Whats the best starter soil?

    check out roots organic soil
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    20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

    wow looks great keep up the great work and keep on keepin on
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    Pssst.... Does anyone like LSD?

    when we were running the indica phenotype that we prefer yeilds were typically 3/4 lbs per 600 watt light with 4 per light
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    Average distance of 1000w light to canopy

    the average size that we use is 5 to 6 feet depending on the strain. a goal of 50w per sq foot in ideal for yield in my opinion
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    Club 600

    much love for the 600's thats all i use i'll add some pics soon
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    Heat Issues (HELP!!!!)

    bypassing the room through the lights instead of pulling air from the room will help a little. it may come down to adding a roll in AC
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    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    i also disagree that autos are a bad thing. i am on my second grow and last time i got about an o and a half off each of my plants. real quality smoke my friends all stared at it like it was some crazy shit made me feel great. i grow in a 2x4 box i custom made with a 400w switchable light.
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    400w Auto Grow...

    im glad to see your diesel rider did better than mine. i got a freak phenotype that sets leaves in groups of three and all it does is put out a ton of extremely small buds that never really phatten up. i also got some auto blueberry and auto hindu's goin all from lowlife and i'm really happy...