I agree. I like to have the light hitting the walls at least 1-2 feet above the plants to make sure some light is going to reflect back to the other side of the outer row of plants. there's a balance there, not too high, not too low. If you have a lot of space between your plants and the wall then never mind... I've had mine 3-4 feet above my plants and haven't seen that much stretch. Maybe since my strains are naturally more bushy.. sour diesel and blue cheese. I'm no expert by any means but it seems like a 1k is intense enough to not cause a lot of stretch unless the room is real big with no reflective sides to bounce the light back.the closer the lamp, the smaller the canopy.
if a lot of light is shining on the walls, its wasted, if its too close that much shadows appear, its wasted too. (the plants further away receive less then)
find the balance.