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  1. Martibacardi

    Compacted Soil and its too late

    Awesome thats a bunch of help. So i dont have to buy worms right i can just grab some from my yard? I was wanting to do this a while ago anyways because i was reading up o vermiculture and stuff so yeah. Alright well its raining so im gonna go worm hunting!! Thanks again and im +repping y'all
  2. Martibacardi

    Compacted Soil and its too late

    What i mean with the bubbles is i ran an aquarium stone at the bottom of my watering just. I had the theory of it and looked it up and it seems to be pretty common. I noticed it really helped with the sprouts. But i wanna get the round discs because i dont think my bar is working so swell...
  3. Martibacardi

    Compacted Soil and its too late

    So im sure this has prolly been posted before but i couldnt find anything related to this so i waas wondering what is a guy to do if he happened to have about a 1.5 to 2 footer growing and notices the soil seems pretty compacted? Im bubbling my water because it seems to help get the O2 to the...
  4. Martibacardi

    N.W. Washington Guerilla Grow

    Just saying hi. And dam fine grow. If i didnt move into town id be trying a guerilla grow right now. quite impressive ive never actually seen one with such great pics. been subscribed for a few days now and just finished reading everything. Im in the NW btw too. kinda end of the world area...
  5. Martibacardi

    Ketamine first time

    I work at a vet clinic and tried my first bottle about 4 months ago. I loved it. hell i got a bottle at home right now. i was wanting to clear up one thing though. It is NOT a good cat tranquilizer. It is actually farely lethal to cats they can't process one of the chemicals very quickly so they...
  6. Martibacardi

    tramadol hcl dose?

    My only drawback to the zippiness is that im done too quick with my work and am waiting on everyone else to get their shit together lol. I also tend to sweat a little more than usual but in my line of work its pretty understandable(wrestling dogs down and moving them around after they're out...
  7. Martibacardi

    Soooooo....why can't I just....

    Yeah im not trying to go against these methods or anything, hell i might even do the paper towel once or twice in my life just to see whats what. But i was just wondering what the drawbacks would be, i know it sounds like a little bit of micro-managing but i do that all day anyways so... yeah...
  8. Martibacardi

    Your gonna love my nuts...Sham-what?

    I wonder if thats what Billy yelled right before.... well you know.
  9. Martibacardi

    Soooooo....why can't I just....

    Alright so i never posted a new thread before but I have been looking around and i couln't find this particular question but i have been seeing ppl bickering about the "best" germinating method and i was wondering- Why can't you (instead of using the paper towel method and risk losing the root...
  10. Martibacardi

    whats the best way to germ. seeds???

    I was thinking why cant you have the best of both worlds. Just make a little pit in your dirt ad soak it a little and put your seed in there. Couldn't you just keep it moist and that way you can actualy see it pop and then pour a lil dirt over the top afterwards. I donno it seems okay-ish to me...
  11. Martibacardi

    tramadol hcl dose?

    Another quick piece of info is that my boss was taken about 16 a day-he is about 65 btw- and recently had a grand maul seizure the ended up tearing his rotator cuff to shreds. Me and a couple co-workers are convinced that the trammies are the main cause of it. They are fun but like anything...
  12. Martibacardi

    tramadol hcl dose?

    I work at a vet clinic and we deal these things out a lt. I love them personally. usually when i get into drugs there is something eventually that i find that deters me from them but i take a couple or three trammies around every other day. Its true for me anyways that you get pumped up. I can...
  13. Martibacardi

    My first ever grow (white widow), tips and advice please

    Subscribed. Looking forward to seeing these things take off. Im just about ready to start growing my own widows so kudos to ya.
  14. Martibacardi

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    Okay thanks i know its not exactly the best place to post my question i just couldn't really find a site where ppl knew their shtuff like this. Thanks for the link though.
  15. Martibacardi

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    Okay so i only read like 8 pages on this thread so it prolly has already been asked but how would i go about getting a "im thinking its called" thermostat running to my intake and exhaust fans so that when im gone at work and the room heats up they will turn on. Its going to based in my attic...